Ketton in the 1881 census
1841 summary | 1851 summary | 1861 summary | 1871 summary
1881 summary | 1891 summary | 1901 summary | 1911 summary The 1881 census available to search and view for free. The census was taken on 3 April 1881. There were 1116 villagers counted - 542 males and 574 females. They lived in 244 houses. Specific places named in the census were: Station House, Kilthorpe Grange, Geeston (including Brewery Tap and Geeston House), Aldgate (including Rose Cottage, The Holmes, The Cottage, Bake House, Exeter Arms, Grocer's Shop, Aldgate House), Bull Lane (including Barley Mow, Shoemaker's Shop, Baker's House, Red Bull), Main Street, Aveland Arms, Butcher's Shop, Grocer's Shop, Tailor's Shop, Farm House, White Hart, Boot maker's Shop, Ketton Lodge (including Coachman's Cottage and Gardener's Cottage), The Grange (including Bailiff's Cottage), Heath House, Pits Cottage, Main Street again (including Holme Leigh, Rutland Brewery, Northwick Arms, The Crown, Crown Yard, Carpenter's Shop, Butcher's Shop, Post Office, Derippe Villa, Ketton House, Farm House, Blue Bell, Blue Bell Yard, Harness Maker Shop, Mason Shop, Farm House, School House, Grocer's Shop, Builder's Shop), Church Lane (including Butcher's Shop, Bake House, Blacksmith's Shop, Grocer's Shop, Farm House, Working Man's Institute, Railway Inn, The Vicarage, The Friary, Gas Works), Ketton Hall, Midland Hotel, Luffenham Road Hall Cottage and The Green (including Carpenter's Shop). The census enumerator was John William Goodliffe, aged 38, a rate collector and road surveyor who lived at the Midland Hotel. |
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The 10 most frequent surnames of villagers were: Dunford (33), Johnson (29), Wright (27), Harrison (26), Andrew (24), Woolley (24), Cliff (24), Green (23), Stafford (22) and Smith (21).
The 10 most popular male first names were: William (89), John (81), George (45), Thomas (34), Charles (26), James (24), Robert (21), Henry (19), Joseph (19) and Arthur (14). 69% of males in the village had one of these first names.
The 10 most popular female first names were: Mary (111), Elizabeth/Eliza (76), Ann/Anne/Annie (48), Sarah (46), Emma (21), Jane (18), Fanny (16), Charlotte (12), Ellen (12) and Harriet (11). 63% of females in the village had one of these first names.
Occupations358 men were employed: general labourer (93), agricultural/farm labourer (54), railway labourer (17), stone/lime quarryman (16), groom (16), maltster/brewer (14), gardener (12), farmer (11), stone mason (8), shoe/boot maker (7), carpenter (7), publican/innkeeper (7), domestic service (7), builder/bricklayer (7), blacksmith (6), butcher (6), shepherd (6), baker (5), grocer (5), coachman/carman (5), engine driver (4) sawyer/wood labourer (4), wheelwright (4), railway porter (3), saddler and harness maker (3), coal agent/dealer (3), tailor (3), railway signalman (2), gamekeeper (2), concrete/cement layer (2), wine merchant.
Also, a stone merchant, Justice Of The Peace, inland revenue officer, farm bailiff, undergraduate, surveyor of stone quarries, corn merchant, miller, postmaster, policeman, medical practitioner, manure agent, mat maker, quarry owner, rate collector and road surveyor, auctioneer and appraiser, railway platelayer, magistrate, gas works manager, letter carrier, Chelsea pensioner, road labourer, hawker, soldier, vicar, schoolmaster and railway station master.
116 women were employed: domestic service (59), dressmaker/milliner (15), laundress/washerwoman (11), nurse (9), governess (5), charwoman (4), publican/innkeeper (3), baker/baker’s assistant (3). also a confectioner, farmer, grocer, telegraphist and schoolmistress.
156 girls and 119 boys were at school - this was 90% of all children in the village aged between 4 and 15.
Birth places53% of villagers were born in Ketton. 15% were born elsewhere in Rutland. 10% were born in Lincolnshire. 7% were born in Northamptonshire.12% were born elsewhere in England.
Twenty-one people were born outside England - ten in Scotland people, two in Wales, one in India (the daughter in law of Matilda Harrison of The Grange. Emily Jane Monckton's father, Edward Henry Cradock Monckton worked for the East India Company in Bengal before retiring to Fineshade Abbey in Northamptonshire), one in France (a governess at The Cottage in Aldgate), one in Ireland (a lodger at The Green, working as a concrete/cement floor layer), four in Ireland (two lodgers at the Exeter Arms in Aldgate; a lodger at The Green working as a concrete/cement floor layer; and The Honourable Georgina Melville who lived at The Cottage in Aldgate), one in Silesia (mainly now Poland, a governess at Ketton Hall) and two in Switzerland (including Jenny Charlotte Hibbins, formerly Corner).
Households with at least two servants- John Turner Hopwood (aged 52, a magistrate from Blackburn, Lancashire) lived at Ketton Hall with his wife Mary (née Coventry, daughter of the 8th Earl of Coventry) and their seven children (aged between 1 and 21). They had 15 servants - a governess, a housekeeper, a general domestic servant, a nurse, a lady's maid, two housemaids, a nurse, a kitchen maid, two scullery maids, two butlers, a footman and a 16 year old house boy.
- The Honourable Norman Leslie-Melville (aged 42, son of the 9th Earl of Leven) lived at Aldgate Cottage with his wife Georgina and their daughter Kathleen (aged 12). The daughter of Norman's cousin Robert Ruthven Pym, was Etheldred Cecil Tweddell who moved from Barnack Rectory to Ketton Priory in 1904 after she was widowed. The Leslie-Melville's had seven servants - a governess, a parlour maid, a cook, a kitchen maid, a lady's maid, a housemaid and a general labourer.
- Matilda Harrison (aged 65, a widow) lived at Ketton Grange with her three children Arthur (aged 42, born at Tolethorpe Hall), George (aged 41, married, born at Tolethorpe Hall) and Elizabeth (aged 35, born at Tolethorpe Hall), her daughter in law Emily (George’s wife, nee Monckton) and a granddaughter. They had six servants – a cook, a lady’s maid, a nurse, a housemaid, a kitchen maid and a footman.
- Sarah Allott (aged 50, a clergyman’s widow from Yorkshire) lived at The Priory with her two daughters Sarah (aged 22) and Katherine (aged 19), a niece (aged 23) and a grand-nephew (aged 7 months). They had five domestic servants – a nurse, a cook, a lady’s maid, a housemaid and a coachman.
- James Betts (aged 38, a farmer and auctioneers clerk) lived at Ketton Grange with his wife Marie (from Switzerland) and their three sons Edward (aged 10), Henry (aged 9) and Charles (aged 4). They had two domestic servants. James’s father had been George Hornbuckle Betts, a farmer, corn merchant, maltster and coal dealer who died in Ketton in 1855.
- Thomas Casswell Molesworth (aged 35, a maltster/brewer) lived at the Brewery with his wife Mary Ann, their four children Helen (aged 8), Mary Emma (aged 7), Thomas Casswell (aged 6) and William Kenney (aged 4). They had two domestic servants.
- Ebenezer Snell (aged 38, a medical practitioner from Devon) lived at Holme Leigh with his wife and 2 children. They had three domestic servants.
- Francis Whincup (aged 67, a farmer from Yorkshire) lived at Geeston House with his wife Sarah, their two children Thomas (aged 38) and Francis (aged 36) and two of their grandchildren. They had two domestic servants. In 1899 Francis's widow Edith married his brother Thomas
- Henry John Tennant Whincup (aged 30, a wine merchant, son of Francis) lived in Church Lane with his wife Mary Elizabeth (nee Willford) and their three children William (aged 7), Sarah (aged 2) and Francis (aged 1). They had two domestic servants. Henry was killed the following year in an accident at Ketton railway station. Daughter Cecilia was born a few months after Henry was killed.
- George Edmonds (aged 34, a wine merchant) lived at The Holmes in Aldgate with his wife Emmeline, their daughter Mabel (aged 10) and a niece (aged 7). They had two domestic servants.
- Samuel Hunt (aged 69, a Justice of the Peace) lived at Ketton House with his wife Charlotte. They had two domestic servants.
- Reverend John Noyes (aged 58, Vicar of Ketton, from Wiltshire) lived at The Vicarage in Church Lane with his wife Ellen and their four children Mary (aged 30), Margaret (aged 27, later married Henry Coventry), Bertha (aged 23) and Arthur (aged 18). They had two domestic servants.