Ketton in the 1861 census
1841 summary | 1851 summary | 1861 summary | 1871 summary
1881 summary | 1891 summary | 1901 summary | 1911 summary The census was taken on 17 April 1861. There were 1052 villagers counted - 511 males and 541 females. They lived in 243 houses. Specific places named in the census were: High Street, The Green, Poors Row, Millstone, Vicarage House, Little Lane, Workhouse Yard, School House, Red Bull Inn, Stamford Arms, White Hart, Grange House, Grange Lodge, Bull Lane, Barley Mow Inn, Aldgate, Exeter Arms, Bridge House, Railway Station, Kelthorpe House and Geeston. The census enumerator was Frederick Hibbins, aged 28, a grocer and ironmonger who lived on the High Street. |
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The 10 most frequent surnames of villagers were: Dunford (39), Wright (31), Burrows (31), Smith (27), Andrew (25), Woolley (24), Clark (23), Hibbins (23), Storey (21) and Green (21).
The 10 most popular male first names were: William (100), John (91), Thomas (48), James (29), George (25), Henry (25), Robert (24), Joseph (20), Charles (15) and Samuel (13). 77% of males in the village had one of these first names.
The 10 most popular female first names were: Mary (109), Elizabeth/Eliza (87), Ann/Anne/Annie (64), Sarah (47), Jane (26), Emma (20), Charlotte (16), Fanny (14), Harriet (13) and Julia (11). 75% of females in the village had one of these first names.
Occupations298 men were employed: agricultural/farm labourers (117), stone/lime quarrymen (21), stone mason (13), groom (12), farmer (11), gardener (9), shoe/boot maker (8), butcher (7), shepherd (6), carpenter (6), publican/innkeeper (6), baker (6), blacksmith (5), tailor (5), grocer (5), domestic service (4), railway platelayer (4), railway porter (4), saddler and harness maker (4), general labourer (4), miller (4), farm bailiff (3), coal agent/dealer (3), road labourer (3), carter (3), stone merchant (2), coachman/carman (2), wheelwright (2), clergyman (2).
Also, a land agent, higgler, yeoman, hawker, railway gate keeper, confectioner, surveyor of stone quarries, flour mill worker, policeman, slater, chemist, corn merchant, medical practitioner, rope weaver, mat maker, railway station master, maltster/brewer, basket maker, cooper, gamekeeper, turnpike labourer, draper and ironmonger.
85 women were employed: domestic service (50), charwoman (9), dressmaker/milliner (5), governess (4), laundress/washerwoman (4), schoolteacher (4), nurse (4), agricultural/farm labourer (3), farmer (2), publican (2).
125 girls and 94 boys were at school - this was 74% of all children in the village aged between 4 and 15.
Birth places59% of villagers were born in Ketton. 16% were born elsewhere in Rutland. 8% were born in Northamptonshire. 8% were born in Lincolnshire. 9% were born elsewhere in England.
Two people were born outside England - one in Ireland (The Honourable Emily Grantham, aged 80, who lived at Grange House) and one in Scotland (David Jackson, a publican at the White Hart who was married to the daughter of James Goodliffe of Ketton, who was later publican of the Aveland Arms).
Households with at least two servants- Frances Thompson (aged 64, a spinster, land owner) lived alone at The Priory. She had five domestic servants – a lady’s maid, a housemaid, a cook, a coachman and a gardener. Her father had been Cotton Thompson Esq.
- The Honourable Emily Grantham (aged 80, a widow) lived alone at Ketton Grange. She had five domestic servants – a cook, a housemaid, a kitchen maid, a footman and an 11 year old errand boy,
- Thomas Henry Burroughes (aged 27, a land agent) lived at Bridge House (later The Cottage?), with his wife Edith Galfrida, their children Rachel Georgiana (aged 2) and their son Henry Thomas (he died the following month aged 3 months). They had five domestic servants - a cook, a housemaid, two nursemaids and a groom.
- Samuel Hunt (aged 49, a farmer) lived with his wife Charlotte and their two children Ellen (aged 13) and Robert (aged 10). They had four domestic servants.
- Reverend John Henry Noyes (aged 38, the Vicar of Ketton) lived at Vicarage House with his wife Ellen and their six children. They had three domestic servants - a governess, a housekeeper and a general domestic servant.
- Robert Swingler (aged 47, a farmer) lived with his wife Mary and their two children Robert Lenton (aged 17) and Mary Ann (aged 9, later married Thomas Casswell Molesworth). They had three domestic servants.
- George Brocklehurst (aged 30, a farmer) lived with his wife Catherine and their two children Kate Hannah (aged 9, later married Robert George Nutt of Ketton) and Thomas Goodwin (aged 4). They had three domestic servants - a domestic servant, a carter and a groom.
- Henry Burman (aged 51, a medical practitioner) lived with his wife Emma (from Ireland, niece of Amelia De Rippe who died in Ketton in 1857) and their two children (Henry, aged 24, a chemist) and Amelia (aged 19). They had two domestic servants.
- Sarah Whincup (aged 46, married but her husband Francis wasn’t in the house on the night of the census) lived at Geeston House with her two children Thomas (aged 18) and Ursula (aged 21). They had two domestic servants. Ursula died in 1867 in Ketton.
- Thomas Casswell Molesworth (aged 38, a maltster and brewer) lived alone with three domestic servants.