Gentry and Clergy
- Allen Mr Henry
- Boyal Miss Elizabeth
- De Rippe, Miss Amelia
- Fitzwilliam, the Hon. Charles, Ketton Hall
- Gamedge Rev. Timothy
- Grantham Captain Charles, Ketton Lodge
- Green Mrs Elizabeth
- Noel the Hon. Henry, Aldgate
- Noyes Rev. J. H. Vicarage
- Osborn Mrs Susan
- Thomson Miss Frances
- Thornhill Mr Samuel
Academies & Schools
- Appleyard John William
- National School (and Miss Edwards) – Anthony Tacchi, master; Agnes Tacchi, mistress
Bakers & Flour Dealers
- Andrew John
- Buckworth Mary
- Burrows Henry
- Gregory John
- Wade Lucas
Basket Makers
- Loveday Joseph, Geeston
- Mould John
- Porter Charles
- Redmile William
Boot and Shoe Makers
- Goodliffe James
- Harrison William
- Kirby John
- Harrison Robert Walpole
- Pollard John
Carpenters and Joiners
- Alfin Henry (and wheelwright)
- Halford Alfred
- Sapcote William
- Wright John
Farmers and Graziers
- Betts Mary
- Brocklehurst George
- Clayton Beaumont
- Hunt Samuel
- Nutt Thomas
- Stanger John
- Swingler Robert Lenton
- Turner Eliza
- Wade John
- Whincup Francis, Geeston Lodge
- Willford William, Aldgate
Grocers and Dealers in Sundries
- Buckworth Catherine
- Gregory John
- Hibbins Frederick (and draper)
- Hibbins William (and ironmonger)
- Marriott Jane
- Sardison Charles, Ketton Mill
Milliners & Dressmakers
- Andrews Ann
- Day Charlotte
Public houses
- Pied Bull, Maria Osborn
- White Hart, John Edwards
Beer Retailers
- Billiald Frederick (Masons Arms)
- Compton Christopher (Millstone)
- Goodliffe James (Northwick Arms)
- Perkins Thomas (Barley Mow)
- Sharpe Peter
- Walpole Frances
- Wade Josiah
- Wright Richardson
Stone Mason
- Hibbins Robert (sculptor & marble mason)
- Hibbins William
- Perkins Thomas
Stone Merchants
- Clayton Beaumont
- Hibbins Robert
- Nutt Thomas
- Wade John
- Shelton William
- Turner Matthew
- Abbey Edward, gardener,
- Andrews John, agent to Ellis & Everard
- Close Thomas, slater
- Harrison James, butcher
- Hercock William, flour dealer
- Hill John, rope maker
- Joyce John, parish clerk
- Sharpe Peter, inspector of stone quarries
- Swingler R, coal merchant
- Tibbs & Son, vellum and parchment makers
Places of Worship
- St Mary’s Church, Rev. J. H. Noyes
- Methodist (Wesleyan) Chapel
- Methodist (Reform Wesleyan) Chapel
- Independent Chapel, Rev. Timothy Gammidge