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- 16 May 2017 meeting - The main focus of the 16 May 2017 meeting of the Ketton History Group was about Education over the years in Ketton, Ketton and the Railway and some of the old buildings in Bull Lane, Redmiles Lane and anecdotes about the Railway Inn in the 1970s.,
- 11 April 2017 meeting - The main focus of the 11 April 2017 meeting of the Ketton History Group was about how places in Ketton got their name, how road names have changed during villagers lifetimes and a discussion of facilities in Ketton which no longer exist.
- 14 March 2017 meeting - The main focus of the 14 March 2017 meeting of the Ketton History Group was taken up with a discussion on new resources provided, gifted to the group, for use by the members in their personal research. Resources included the 1939 register, Ketton census records for 1841 to 1911, and maps of the village.