Wartime Ketton
In the churchyard is a memorial cross to thirty-six men of the parish who fell in the war of 1914-19 and the ten men of the parish who fell in the war of 1939-1945.

On Thursday week, the seventh anniversary of the commencement of the ever-memorable war, the memorial to the fallen heroes at Ketton was dedicated. It consists of a Clipsham stone cross, 16ft high, erected in the village churchyard by Messrs Hibbins of Ketton, and which was designed by Mr J N Comper, architect, London. On the base is inscribed - "Pray for the men of Ketton who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1919" together with the names - Albert Johnson, Charles Barsby, William Kay, Arthur Richard Yates, Harry Stafford, William Redmile, William Capendale, Thomas Ernest Burbidge, Arthur Wright, Joe Groom, Albert Edward Jackson, Bernard Cunnington, John Robert Savage, Arthur Thompson, Cyril Downing, Arthur George Towell, Tom Walpole, Albert Storey, William Weed, Robert George Dicks, William Knox, Harold B Barfield, Aubrey Skinner, Claud Crowson, Thomas Gould Whittaker, Frederick Osey, Colin Close, George William Lane, Herbert Woods, George Hircock, Thomas Burrows, Arthur Bailey, Tom N Scotchbrook, Robert Brown, George Everitt Jackson and George William Boyall.
A large congregation attended evening service in St Mary's Church, and many comers could not be seated. Ex-Service men, who had paraded under Capt C Wellsted, occupied reserved seats. The vicar, Rev A H Snowden, conducted the impressive service, and after the singing of Stainer's anthem "What Are These?" , a procession of the clergy, choir, churchwardens, Colonel Willoughby, ex-service men, and others, moved to the Cross, near the west door of the Church. Here a hymn was fervently rendered, and then Colonel, the Hon Claud H W Willoughby MP, unveiled the memorial, the base of which was hidden with a Union Jack. The names of the fallen were read by the Colonel, who said he was sure that deep sympathy would go out that evening to those who had lost loved ones in the war - brave men whose memory and great sacrifice they were honouring. As a soldier himself he could say that the thing which soldiers most admired in the war was the fortitude of those who stayed at home and parted with their dear ones. The men whose names were written on the memorial had done their duty for the King and country, and they were proud of them and of the courage and heroism they had displayed.
The Bishop of Peterborough then dedicated the memorial. The ceremony was to have been completed around the Cross, but rain made an alteration advisable, and the assembly returned to the Church for the sermon. The Bishop eloquently preached on the words "They were a wall unto us, both by night and by day. It was well, he said, on the 4t August, the anniversary of the declaration of war, to recall some of the feelings which thrilled them on that never-to-be-forgotten August 4th 1914. It seemed almost impossible that it was easy for many to forget what the brave men who knocked to the colours in defence of their country did; but we only too easily forget the debt we owed to the men who stepped into the breach, and were a wall to the national by day and night. There had been four years of desperate fighting and three years of so-called peace, and in looking at the conditions of the nation at the present time, who could not help asking whether Britons had learned their lessons of the war? The only true memorials were not of stone and marble, but men and women, who were prepared to build the new England which the men died for in the war. There was much to be done if Britain was to be worthy of the men who had fallen. Referring to social life, he said it was no use blinking one's eyes to the fact that there was a great laxity in regard to truth, purity and holy marriage, which was threatening the sanctity of homes in Britain. In industrial life, men had again fallen into sections, classes and parties, each fighting for their own advancement and often forgetting the welfare of the whole? How could they get a better country? Their contribution at Ketton to that better country was a better village. He appealed to them to make the village worthy of the memorial that had been erected.
After the Benediction, a bugler of the Leicestershire Regiment sounded the "Last Post" and the "Reveille" and the National Anthem concluded the memorable service. The floral tributes laid at the base of the memorial were from ex-Service men, "To the memory of our gallant chums", the naval men of Ketton, the Northwick Lodge of Oddfellows in memory of 20 brothers, and relatives and friends.
Roll of those who died in His Majesty's Forces, war of 1914-1918
Bailey Arthur - Gunner, Royal Field Artillery, aged 28. Son of Mrs Ann Coleman of Ketton. Died from wounds received in action in Mesopotamia. Buried at Baghdad North Gate Cemetery. 1891-1918.Barfield Harold Barnett - Private, South Staffordshire Regiment, aged 18. Son of Lionel and Martha Barfield of Geeston. He was a motor mechanic before enlisting. He was killed at the Second Battle of the Aisne. 1899-1918.
Barsby Charles - Private, North Staffordshire Regiment, aged 32. Son of George Henry and Hannah Barsby. Killed by a bullet at the third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele). He was buried on the battlefield but his grave was never found. 1884-1917.
Boyall George William - Sergeant, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 28. Son of Joseph Henry and Eleanor Boyall who lived on the High Street. 1890-1918
Brown Robert - Sergeant, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 29. Grandson of the late Mark and Eliza Brown of Ketton. He served seven years with the 1st Lincolnshire Regiment in India. He was wounded in the first Battle of Ypres and invalided home. On recovering he went out to India, but died of influenza at Abbottabad. He is remembered on the Karachi War Memorial. 1888-1918.
Burbidge Thomas Ernest - Private, Devon Regiment, aged 19. Son of James Frederick and Frances Burbidge. He was a butcher's assistant before enlisting. He was killed by machine gun bullets during the advance on Passchendaele. 1896-1917.
Burrows Thomas - Gunner, Royal Field Artillery, aged 26. Son of Thomas and Martha Burrows of Redmiles Lane, Ketton. Before enlisting he was a farm labourer. He was killed on the Somme front. 1891-1917.
Capendale John William - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 19. Son of Arthur and Sarah Capendale of High Street, Ketton. He was a member of the Territorial Force and was at their training camp in Bridlington when war broke out. He was acting as a transport driver when he was killed by a piece of shell entering his neck. In Sanctuary Wood near Zillebeke, Belgium, he lies a few rows back from three other Rutland men who died in the Battle of Ypres. 1897-1916.
Close William Collins - 2nd Lieutenant, Northamptonshire, aged 19. Eldest son of Robert H Close JP and Emma of Geeston House. He was educated at Stamford Grammar School and Wellingborough School. He was killed in action by machine gun bullets during a reconnaissance in Croiselles, France. He was an accomplished all-round sportsman and took great interest in getting up sports for the men when in billets. 1897-1917.
Crowson Claud - Private, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 23. Son of Alfred and Emily Crowson of Bull Lane. He was an iron moulder before enlisting. He was killed by a bullet in Fouquières-lès-Béthune. 1895-1918
Cunnington Bernard John - Private, Kings Own Royal Lancashire Light Infantry, aged 20. Son of John and Elizabeth Cunnington, landlord of the Blue Bell Inn, Ketton. He was a carpenter before enlisting. He died at a Casualty Clearing Station after an operation for appendicitis. 1897-1917.
Dicks Robert George - Private, Leicestershire, aged 34. Husband of Rose Annie Dicks of the Midland Hotel, Ketton. He was employed as a yard foreman before enlisting. 1883-1918
Downing Cyril - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 19. Son of Mr and Mrs C Downing of Church Lane, Ketton. He met his death in action by a shell near Armagh Wood, Belgium. Letters to his parents from his Commanding Officer and others praised his actions. His platoon Sergeant wrote: "He died a soldier and a man, a son to be truly proud of." 1896-1915.
Groom Joe - Private, Northamptonshire Regiment, aged 46. Husband of Mary Groom of High Street, Ketton who was left with two children. He was a gardener before enlisting. He was killed by a shell near Langemarck near Ypres. 1871-1917.
Hercock George Edward - Private, Army Service Corps (Military Transport), aged 24. Son of John and Anne Hercock of Castor but George was living in Ketton working as a chauffeur when war broke out. He initially joined the Royal Navy and was employed in submarine hunting between Portsmouth and La Havre before being transferred to the ASC Motor Transport. He died from influenza. 1894-1918.
Jackson Albert Edward - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 27. Son of George Everett and Mary (née Scotchbrook) Jackson. Before enlisting, he worked at the lime works in Geeston. He was killed while on sentry duty in the Ypres sector. 1888-1915.
Jackson George Everett - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 33. Son of George Everett and Mary (née Scotchbrook) Jackson. His widow Chrisannah resides in Redmiles Lane with their three children. He was wounded by shrapnel which entered his back. 1884-1917.
Johnson Albert - Private, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 31. Son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Johnson of Aldgate. He served in India for ten years and when the First World War began in August 1914 went out to France with the original Expeditionary Force, taking part in the Retreat from Mons. He was wounded by a shell and brought back to the UK to be treated. He died at a military hospital in Hampshire. 1883-1914.
Kay William - Rifle Brigade, ?
Knox William - Lance Corporal, Duke of Wellington's Light Infantry, aged 26. Son of John and Hannah Knox of Geeston. He was married, and before joining the Army, was a journeyman milkman in Sheffield. He was killed in the Battle of the Somme after being struck by a shell. He lived until the Aid Post was reached and was remarkably cheerful on the way, observing to his platoon sergeant "Well Jim, lad, I have beat you to Wharncliffe [a Sheffield military hospital] after all". It was only a day or two before that he had been promoted to Lance-Corporal. "He was a good, honest, straightforward and clean soldier" wrote his sergeant to Mrs Knox, "never shirking in his duties, and often volunteering for jobs which most people would not very well relish the idea of undertaking". 1890-1916.
Lane George William - Private, Queen's Royal West Surrey, aged 22. From Geeston, he leaves a widow and two children. He met his death in heavy fighting at Passchendaele. An eye witness speaks of the difficult and exposed nature of the ground and tells how hard it was for the wounded to reach the dressing station, half a mile back along duckboards, with a heavy German barrage on. All the ground between the lines was covered by machine gun and shell fire. 1895-1917.
Osey Frederick - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 26. Born in Winchester, he was living in Bull Lane with his wife Margaret Rose and their three children, working as a golf professional. He was the stepson of John Brown of Ketton. 1892-1918.
Redmile William - Sergeant, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 26. Son of Rowland and Alice Amelia Redmile of Ketton. He was a draper before enlisting. He was wounded by gunfire in France and died in the ambulance as he was being taken to a casualty station. He was mentioned in dispatches for volunteering for patrol work and bringing in very useful information near Langemarck. 1891-1917.
Savage John Robert - Lance Corporal, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 22. Son of William and Rachel Savage of Aldgate. He was a machinist at Messrs Blackstone & Co in Stamford before enlisting. He was the first man in Ketton to enlist. He took part in the landing and fighting in Gallipoli. He was made Lance Corporal and ten days later died as the result of a shell wound. 1893-1915.
Scotchbrook Tom Nichols - Private, Northumberland Fusiliers, aged 23. Son of Tom and Mary Scotchbrook of Chapel Lane, Ketton. He was a gardener prior to enlisting. He was first sent to Malta, then France. His cause of death is unknown but he was reported missing from 5 June 1917. The notification of his death was sent on 15 March 1918. 1893-1917.
Skinner Aubrey - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 22. Son of Sarah Ann Sivers (née Skinner) of Ketton. One day his regiment rushed a trench and bayonetted fifty Germans in hand-to-hand conflict. Pte Skinner was digging a trench at the time, in a very dangerous place, when an enemy shell fell and killed him instantly as well as four of his comrades and wounding many. He had only been married for six months. 1894-1916.
Stafford Harry - Private, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 33. Son of Harry and Lucy Ann Stafford of The Green, Ketton. He fought in the Boer War, then worked at Blackstone's in Stamford prior to joining "Kitchener's Army". He was killed by a sniper's bullet on the Menin Road, north of Ypres, as he was taking a message to headquarters. Harry was the first Ketton man to be killed. His brothers Jack and Mark also fought. 1881-1915.
Storey Albert - Private, Sherwood Foresters, aged 23 . Son of James Amos and Annie Storey of Geeston. He was sent to Ireland at the time of the Rebellion and in 1916 went with his regiment to France. He gained the Military Medal when he "displayed great bravery in bringing back a wounded man to the lines through a very heavy barrage"; although the man died the same day. Albert gained a bar to the medal after "showing great courage under dangerous and difficult conditions, when on a reconnaissance to ascertain the position of the battalion on the right flank". The CO of his platoon wrote to his parents that he was "a plucky boy, and one of whom you are no doubt very proud". 1895-1918.
Thompson Arthur - Sergeant, Australian Imperial Force, aged 36. Son of John Henry and Fanny Thompson of Empingham. He was born in Geeston, lived in Empingham, served all through the South African War and came out without a scratch. He then emigrated to Australia in 1911 to set up in business for himself as a market gardener on a large scale. After being sent to France in 1917, his battalion got badly cut up on the Somme front, and he and 200 others were taken prisoner. He died from sickness in Friedrichfield in Germany. 1881-1917.
Towell Arthur George - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 23. Son of Mary Ann Towell of Geeston. He joined the army in 1914 and served in Ireland before going out to France in 1916. He fought on the Somme before being killed in 1917 near Lagnicourt, France. 1894-1918.
Walpole John Thomas - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 19. Son of John Thomas and Margaret of Front Row, 50 Aldgate. He was a gardener and a member of the Northwick Lodge of Oddfellows before enlisting. He took part in the fighting for the Hohenzollern Redoubt and was killed by a bullet. His CO wrote "He was always ready to do anything wanted of him. He died the death of a true soldier and his devotion to duty was splendid". 1895-1915.
Weed William - Lance Corporal, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, aged 25. Son of William and Charlotte Weed of Ketton. He was an expert gardener - a Fellow of the Horticultural Society. Before enlisting he worked as a gardener with his father at The Priory in Ketton. He was killed by a shell fighting in Marmetz Wood during the first Battle of the Somme. 1891-1916.
Whittaker Thomas Gould - Sergeant, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 25. Son of Gould and Elizabeth Whittaker. Husband of Ellen. They had three children. He was killed on the Somme by a bullet in 1916. 1891-1916.
Woods Herbert - Private, Leicestershire Regiment, aged 35. Son of Robert and Mary Woods of High Street, Ketton. He had a son with his widow Ethel Maud. He was a gamekeeper in Wansford before enlisting. He was killed by a bullet in 1917 in France. 1882-1917.
Wright Arthur - Private, Lincolnshire, aged 21. Son of Mary Ann Green (nee Wright) of Aldgate, Ketton. He was an engineer by trade. He was badly wounded in France and though bandaged up by a Lieutenant, he had to be left when the British retired. Nothing further has been heard of him since, and it is presumed he must have died then or as a prisoner. 1893-1915.
Yates Arthur Richard - Private, Middlesex, aged 31. Son of William and Elizabeth Ann Yates. He was a motor driver before enlisting. He went to France in June 1917 and was killed in action there in August 1917. His body was never found. He left a widow and two children. 1885-1917.
Roll of those who served in His Majesty's Forces, war of 1914-1918
- Andrew A - Private, Labour Corps
- Andrew J E - Private, Army Veterinary Corps
- Andrew R - National Reserve
- Andrew S D - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Astin E - Private, Army Service Corps
- Barfield A - Private, Leics Regiment
- Barfield L H - Sergeant, Royal Army Medical Corps
- Barsby A S - Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery
- Barwell T C - Private, Leics Regiment
- Bennett F - Private, Labour Corps
- Berridge C E - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Berridge G - Private, Army Service Corps
- Berridge J R - Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery
- Biden W M - Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps
- Blades F J - Driver, Royal Army Service Corps
- Bonner F - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Bowley J A - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Boyall G - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Boyall J - Private, Leics Regiment
- Boyall J H - Private, Leics Regiment
- Brooks A J - Private, Leics Regiment
- Brooks S - Private, Northants
- Brown A - Private, Leics Regiment
- Brown F - Private, Leics Regiment
- Brown R - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Brown S D - Private, Northants Regiment
- Browne F S - QMS, Suffolk Regiment
- Burdett H - Private, Leics Regiment
- Burroughes C F - Captain, Leics Yeomanry
- Burroughes H N - Lt Col, Royal Army Medical Corps
- Burrows A - Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery
- Burrows D - Gunner, Royal Field Artillery
- Burrows R L - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Camme G T - Royal Flying Corps
- Capendale A H - Private, Essex Regiment
- Chappell E - Company Sergeant Major, Lincs Regiment
- Clarke G E - Private, Royal Air Force
- Clarke J - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Coleman E - Private, Leics Regiment
- Cox J H - Private, Glamorgan Yeomanry
- Creamer C T - Private, Royal Army Service Corps
- Cross A C - Able Seaman, Royal Navy
- Crowson A W - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Culpin A H - Private, Leics Regiment
- Culpin H - Trooper, Hussars
- Culpin J - National Reserve
- Culpin J M - Private, Leics Regiment
- Culpin J W - Private, Leics Regiment
- Dawson S - Private, Army Service Corps [Military Transport]
- Dennis H - Private, Leics Regiment
- Dunford J J - Royal Flying Corps
- Elkington E - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Freeman A - Private, Leics Regiment
- Freeman E - Bombardier, Royal Garrison Artillery
- Garfield A E - Private, Leics Regiment
- Gorton R St G - Brigadier-General, Royal Artillery
- Green E - Private, Royal Army Service Corps (Military Transport)
- Green F R - Private, RW Surreys
- Green H J - Sergeant, Royal Field Artillery
- Green W C B - Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery
- Greetham J T - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Halford A - Private, Labour Corps
- Hall J C - Private, Notts & Derby
- Hemsill A - Private, Suffolks
- Hibbins F W - Sapper, Royal Engineers
- Hill A - Corporal, Machine Gun Corps
- Hough D R W - Sapper, Royal Engineers
- Hough G R - Corporal, Royal Tank Corps
- Ingrey C - Private, Leics Yeomanry
- Johns F T - Corporal, Royal Fusiliers
- Johnson A E - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Johnson E - Private, Leics Regiment
- Johnson J H - Corporal, Suffolk
- Johnson R J - Corporal, Lincs Regiment
- Johnson T W - Private, Leics Regiment
- Johnson W D - Captain, The Buffs
- Knox A - Sergeant, Rifle Brigade
- Knox J A - Private, Leics Regiment
- Lacey D - Ordinary seaman, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
- Lamb S P - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Lee A - Mech, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
- Maile S R A -
- Maitland C C - Commander, Royal Navy
- Munton G G - Private, Leics Regiment
- Parker A J - Private, Leics Regiment
- Peet R - Private, Yorkshire Regiment
- Popple P - Private, Leics Regiment
- Postance F - Captain, Lincs Regiment
- Redmile R - Private, Sherwood Foresters
- Reeve W - Sapper, Royal Engineers
- Robinson R - Private, Leics Regiment
- Russell T - Company Sergeant Major, Leics Regiment
- Scotchbrook H - Private, Army Service Corps
- Scotchbrook J G - Private, Northumberland Fusiliers
- Scotney C W A - Private, Army Service Corps
- Scotney H C S - Sergeant, Bedfordshire Yeomanry
- Shakeshaft W T - Private, Leics Regiment
- Sharpe A - Private, Leics Regiment
- Sharpe C H - Corporal, Life Guards
- Sharpe C J - Private, Royal Army Service Corps
- Sharpe L - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Sharpe R A - Corporal, Royal Army Service Corps
- Sivers A - Private, Royal Fusiliers
- Skellett A C - Private, Sherwood Foresters
- Smalley C S - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Smith F J - Private, Leics Regiment
- Smith J W - Private, Leics Regiment
- Stafford H - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Stafford J - Sergeant, Lincs Regiment
- Stafford J A - Private, Leics Regiment
- Stafford M - Lance Corporal, Northamptonshire
- Stafford P W - Private, Leics Regiment
- Storey W T - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Thomas A J - Private, Leics Regiment
- Thomas E H - Corporal, Leics Regiment
- Thompson C G - Corporal, Durham Light Infantry
- Thompson G C - Gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery
- Thompson W D - Driver, Royal Army Service Corps
- Thorpe F J - Corporal, Leics Regiment
- Thorpe F - Corporal, Royal Flying Corps
- Towell P R - Private, Northants
- Tubby W G - 2nd Air Mechanic, Royal Naval Air Service
- Vernon F E - Corporal, Royal Field Artillery
- Walker C W G - Captain, East Kent Yeomanry
- Walpole A E - Private, Royal Berkshire
- Walpole F - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Walpole F - Sergeant, Army Service Corps
- Walpole H - Corporal, Lincs Regiment
- Walpole H D - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Walpole J T - Private, Leics Regiment
- Walpole J T - Private, Royal Army Service Corps
- Weightman G W V - Sergeant, Highland Light Infantry
- Wellsted W C - Lieutenant, Lincs Regiment
- Wesley W - Private, Royal Army Service Corps
- White G J - Private, Leics Regiment
- Whittaker J W S - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Whittaker W - Private, Lincs Regiment
- Woolley J R - Company Sergeant Major, Lincs Regiment
- Woolley R W - Driver, Royal Field Artillery
Roll of those who died in His Majesty's Forces, war of 1939-1945
Allwood George William - Gunner, Royal Artillery, aged 23. Son of Frederick Midgeley and Lily Allwood of Geeston, Ketton. Buried at Ketton Cemetery. 1917-1940.Baldwin John Noel Anthony - Captain, Royal Armoured Corps, aged 25. Son of Air Marshal Sir John Eustace Arthur Baldwin KBE, CB, DSO, DP, JP and Lady Baldwin of Ketton. Commemorated on Alamein Memorial in Egypt. 1917-1942.
Burrows Frank William - Private, Lincolnshire Regiment, aged 21. Son of William Douglas and Elizabeth Lydia Burrows of Ketton; husband of Olive Mary Burrows of Ketton. Buried at Medjez-El-Bab War Cemetery in Tunisia. 1921-1943.
Cooper Alfred Richard - Sergeant, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, aged 25. Son of Ernest W and Constance Kitty Cooper; husband of Elfreda Cooper of Ketton. Buried at Becklingen War Cemetery in Germany. 1916-1941.
Downes Francis Henry - Trooper, Royal Armoured Corps, aged 33. Son of Robert and Mary Ann Downes of Empingham; husband of Lucy Downes of Ketton. Buried at Mierlo War Cemetery in Netherlands. 1910-1944.
Hadley Wilfred George - Private, Somerset Light Infantry, aged 24. Born in Wolverhampton. Son of Mrs Lucy Scotchbrook of Ketton. Buried at Oosterbeek War Cemetery in Netherlands. 1920-1944.
Knox William Arthur - Warrant Officer Class II, Intelligence Corps, aged 27 Son of Arthur and Bertha Knox; husband of Mabel Annie Knox of Thorpe Bay, Essex. Buried at Suda Bay War Cemetery in Crete. 1916-1944.
Liddell Eric Beck - Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, aged 24. Son of Hazel Beck Liddell of Vancouver, Canada; husband of Olive Liddell of Ketton. Buried at Rheinberg War Cemetery in Germany. 1916-1940.
Lowther Joseph Walter - Able Seaman, Royal Navy, aged 26. Son of Robert Henry and Elizabeth Lowther of Ketton. Buried at Suez War Memorial Cemetery in Egypt. 1917-1943.
Walpole Bernard Francis - Able Seaman, Royal Navy, aged 36. Husband of Olwyn Walpole of Ketton. 1907-1943.
Roll of those who served in His Majesty's Forces, war of 1939-1945
Army- Andrew C
- Barwell A E
- Barwell C W
- Barwell G
- Bedder W
- Betts E F
- Betts L A
- Boughan A V
- Boyall J T
- Bradshaw J
- Bradshaw J S
- Bradshaw S
- Burrows A
- Burrows A H
- Burrows E
- Burrows T R H
- Calleyne D M
- Clark J R
- Clipston A
- Cook H
- Creamer C W
- Dennis A J
- Edis H W
- Emmott R R W
- Ford W
- Garfield N
- Giddings A
- Green A A
- Green W W
- Hallett A E
- Hallett E
- Hand D G
- Harrison T J
- Hill C
- Hill L A
- Hill R W
- Jackson P M
- Jackson W H
- Jakins D F
- Jorgensen P H
- Knox G
- Miller A G
- Miller E K
- Morris G M
- Morris L A
- Plowes F
- Powley F C
- Pulford W G
- Salvage H J
- Scotchbrook J
- Scotney J
- Shelton C
- Skellett K G
- Smith-Glasper E
- Steele I A
- Swann E W
- Thorpe F H
- Tibbert G
- Towell A
- Towell T
- Walpole B
- Ward G H
- Warren J
- Whittaker A R
- Whittaker J A
- Woodward W E
- Woolley G H
- Wyles G H
- Dennis O L
- Fitches J
- Scotchbrook D
- Scotchbrook E
- Smith J W
- Andrew F G
- Baldwin Sir J E A KBE CB DSO
- Bennett G E
- Bennett K
- Blades P F
- Bradshaw A
- Calleyne S M
- Carver E J
- Clark A G
- Dunford W
- Hough A W
- Miller W D
- Palmer F W
- Peckett H
- Pembridge T G
- Philips R
- Potter L C
- Proverbs T M
- Smith G T
- Smith J H R
- Tibbert J C
- Tilley E
- Weightman J J
- Williams J E
- Wallhead K F W
- Ballard W L
- Boyall J
- Brewster L
- Burrows S R
- Campbell C
- Chappell B
- Green D
- Norris G H J
- Nunn P E
- Redmile H
- Redmile R B
- Scotney G A
- Smith G R
- Smith-Glasper R E
- Spriggs J D
- Fitzwilliam P
- Green D A