Redmiles Lane
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Listed buildings:
- 2 Redmiles Lane - Grade II listed house - date stone inscribed F B 1699.
- 4 Redmiles Lane - Grade II listed cottage (incorporating former outbuilding to right). C18.
- 7 Redmiles Lane, Rosemary Cottage - Grade II listed cottage, late C18 or early C19. Remains of demolished building adjoining visible on left hand gable end.
- 9 Redmiles Lane, Buckworth House - Grade II listed house, date stone SMITH 1741.
- 14 Redmiles Lane - Redmiles Farm - Grade II listed farmhouse and cottage, now one dwelling. Dates from 1735. The farm originally occupied 134 acres, two of which still belong to the house.
- 18 Redmiles Lane - Workhouse Cottage / Hall Close - The original workhouse was sold at the end of 1836 when Ketton joined the Stamford Workhouse Union. Formerly three cottages, the present cottage would probably have been built soon after 1836.