Public houses in Ketton
In 1893 there were 11 licensed houses in Ketton, in 1911 there were 12, in 1934 there were 8. There are now only 2.
Aveland Arms
now 2 Bull Lane. Lord Aveland was Lord of the Manor of eight Rutland parishes including Empingham, North Luffenham, South Luffenham and Normanton - and owner in nine others. There was a quoit bed at the end of the garden, now the entrance to 4 Bull Lane "Quoit Cottage". The pub closed in 1934.
The general annual licensing meeting for the county of Rutland was held at the Castle, Oakham. The county was again to be congratulated on the fact that no convictions for drunkenness had been recorded during the year. Licence Renewal Objections Concerning the Aveland Arms, Ketton, the Chief Constable said on January 19th he visited the Inn, with Miss A S Brocklebank and Alderman E Guy Fenwick, and received instructions from them to serve notice of objection to the renewal of the licence. The Inn was a "tied" house, licensed to sell beer on and off the premises, and owned by William Bean and Alfred William Bean, and was leased to Messrs Smith & Co, brewers, Oundle. The present tenant was George Spriggs to whom the licence was transferred on October 6th 1930. The house was of the ordinary type: it abutted into a side street known as Bull Lane. There were on the ground floor a tap-room, a bar, and a parlour, with a total area of 47 square yards; there were five medium-sized bedrooms above. The house was in a very fair state of repair, but the outbuildings were in disrepair. There was no drainage inside the house, but one existed in the yard adjoining. The house stood somewhat low, and on the occasion of a storm, the lower rooms were partly flooded. There was no private accommodation for the licensee and his family. The sales were said to average 9 gallons per week, exclusive of a small quantity of bottled beer. The rateable value of the house was £8 and the actual rent paid was £14 per annum. At present, there were eight licensed houses in Ketton. The population was 966, which showed 120 persons, including men, women and children, to each licensed house. This was exclusive of the Village Club. The house was small and by no means suited to the requirements of a public house - the sales of beer averaged just over one gallon per day only, and he was of the opinion that the house was redundant.
Barley Mow
now 19 Bull Lane. The building is believed to date from circa 1781. A barley mow was a stack of barley, from Old English muga, "a heap, a stack". The pub closed in 1918.
Blue Bell Inn
now 65 High Street. The pub closed in 1945.
Crown Inn
Now the western end of where Manor View flats are now. The pub closed in 1935.
Exeter Arms
Now 60 Aldgate. The Marquess of Exeter was Lord of the Manor of ten Rutland parishes including Tinwell, Barrowden and Great Casterton. In the early 1800s, the pub was called the Prince of Wales. Closed in 1945.
Geeston Tap
in Geeston. Previously the Geeston Lodge Brewery. The pub closed in 1970.
Masons Arms
High Street, opposite the Blue Bell Inn? In 1857, Frederick Billiald, publican of the Mason’s Arms, died there. In 1861, his widow Elizabeth, aged 34, was the publican there.
Midland Hotel
The Midland Hotel, now Tobago Lodge, was adjacent to the station of the Midland Railway. The stables attached to the hotel were demolished to build the Sunday School extension. Outside the house a Hiring Fair used to be held, the last one begin in 1901. The pub closed in 1950.
Millstone Inn
now 2 Mill Lane off Church Road?
Northwick Arms
High Street - still open. The pub was named after the Northwick family of Normanton Park who owned a great deal of property and land in the village, including the quarries.
Pied Bull
Bull Lane. The pub closed in 1935 after a serious thatch fire broke out.
The Pied Bull Inn, Ketton, Rutland was destroyed by fire yesterday, after an earlier outbreak had been subdued. In the morning a chimney was found to be on fire, but this was extinguished by local help. Later in the day, however, there was a recurrence of the fire, and the thatched roof became ignited. Stamford Fire Brigade was summoned, but, despite a good supply of water from the River Welland, it was impossible to save the place. A considerable quantity of furniture was burned, but some was saved by villagers rushing in and carrying it into the street. The landlord is Mr R Hough.
Railway Inn
Church Road - still open
Stamford Arms
High Street, in the range between Manor Farm and the Pied Bull.
1864 - Charles Hibbins, beer house keeper of Ketton, was fined with costs 15s for allowing gaming with dice at his house
White Hart
now 31 High Street. The pub closed in 1910.