
Northwick Arms

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The pub was named after the Northwick family of Normanton Park who owned a great deal of property and land in the village, including the quarries.

  • 1864 - David Jackson, publican
  • 1866 - An auction was held at the Northwick Arms at 7 clock in the evening for two freehold tenements situated on The Green at Ketton
  • 1870 - James Goodliffe of the Northwick Arms, Ketton, was charged with allowing disordely conduct in his house
  • 1871 - James Goodliffe, aged 30, publican
  • 1877 - The Northwick Arms Inn, Ketton, was purchased by Messrs Molesworth for £910
  • 1877 - An inquest was held at the Northwick Arms, Ketton touching the death of Robert Cave, who committed suicide by hanging the day before. He was 51 years of age, and groom to Mrs Harrisson of the Grange, in whose employ he had been about twenty years. He had not been in good health lately, and at times had been in a very desponding state. The coroner gave half a soverieng and the jury their fees to the widow and her eight or nine children
  • 1881 - James Goodliffe, aged 40, publican
  • 1884 - A meeting of the Conservatives of the parishes in the Ketton Polling District will be held in the Club Room adjoining the Northwick Arms at Ketton on Monday at six o'clock in the evening, to form a committee for the Ketton District. All Conservatives are desired to attend
  • 1888 - The Pig Club celebrated its seventeeth anniversary at the Northwick Arms, Ketton, on Friday, when 140 members and friends sat down to a capital supper provided for them free of charge by some of the ladies gentleman of the village
  • 1888 - The anniversary of the Royal Northwick Lodge of Oddfellows took place on Tuesday. The members met at the Lodge Room at the Northwick Arms, and, headed by the Stamford Town Band, proceeded to Church
  • 1890 - A committee meeting in connection with the Ketton sports was held at the Northwick Arms when it was decided to hold the sports, as usual, on the Tuesday in Ketton Feast Week, August 19th
  • 1890 - Mr Goodliffe, landlord of the Northwick Arms at Ketton, applied for an extension of two hours one night during the week, the occasion being the winding up of the affairs in connection with Ketton Sports. The Chairman: can't you wind them up before ten o'clock at night? Applicant: There wouldn't be time to get the house clear. "What time is the supper?" asked one of the magistrates. Eight o'clock sir. The chairman: No, you will have to wind it up by ten I am afraid. Applicant: Would you allow one hour your Worship?. The Chairman: No
  • 1891 - James Goodliffe, aged 59, publican
  • 1895 - James Goodliffe died at the Northwick Arms aged 55 years
  • 1897 - Mr Bean of the Ketton Brewery gave the children of Ketton, ranging from three to sixteen years, a knife-land-fork tea in the Northwick Hall. Sports and dancing followed. Mr William Cliffe provided a meat tea and dance for a large number in Mr W Nutt's barn
  • 1899 - William Parkin, publican
  • 1911 - Amos Sharpe, aged 48, publican
  • 1923 - Mrs Eliza A Sharpe, publican
  • 1928 - Mrs Eliza A Sharpe, publican
  • 1928 - In the Northwick Hall, an armistice anniversary supper arranged in connection with the Portland cement Company was thrown open to all ex-Service men in the village. Seventy persons sat down to an excellent repast.

Northwick Hall

Opened in 1889, at the back of the Northwick Arms.

Newspaper articles

The Ketton Friendly Society celebrated their fiftieth anniversary on Thursday, the 6th June, under auspicious circumstances; the opening of the new Northwick Hall, taking place the same day. Although not finished, it is a great improvement upon the old room, and much credit is due to Messrs Molesworth and Bean for their efforts in connection with it.


On Friday, November 8th, an entertainment took place in the Northwick Hall, consisting of readings and vocal and instrumental music: the various performances being given in a very creditable manner. There was a good attendance, and at the close, Dr Snell intimated that the entertainments would take place every alternate Friday throughout the winter months.


Harvest Supper. Mr T C Molesworth, jun, entertained the workmen on his farm, to the number of sixty-four, to a dinner on Saturday evening in Northwick Hall. Mr Molesworth presided, and Mr Pretty, farm foreman, was vice-chairman. Toasts were honoured and the evening was spent in conviviality.


Ketton Friendly Society held their fifty-third anniversary on June 2nd. After transacting the usual business at twelve o’clock, the members formed in procession, and, headed by the Society’s flags and the Oakham brass band, proceeded to the Church, where the Rev C Blathwayt, curate, delivered an impressive discourse. Afterwards the members returned to the Northwick Hall where they sat down to an excellent spread and good things, provided by Host and Hostess Goodliffe, which was greatly enjoyed by the eighty-two members and friends of the Society. The statement of accounts was read out, which, notwithstanding the heavy call on the funds of the Society caused by the influenza epidemic, was considered to be very satisfactory, and the Society is in a prosperous condition.


At the Northwick Hall on Friday evening, Mr Jabez Stafford was presented with a silver albert [chain] and pendant, in recognition of his services as secretary of the pig club during the last 20 years.


Miss Linnington's theatrical company commenced a short visit at the Northwick Hall on Friday evening week with the drama, entitled "My Sweetheart". "Lady Audley's Secret" was played on Saturday, "East Lynne" on Monday, "The Ticket of Leave Man" on Tuesday and "The Shaughraun" on Wednesday. Each evening, after the play, comic songs were sung by different members of the company, the whole performance concluding with a laughable farce.


The first meeting of the Ketton Sports and Gala Committee was held in the Northwick Hall on Tuesday evening, when it was resolved to hold the sports and gala on Tuesday in the feast week as usual. It was also resolved not to allow betting.


Mr Bean of the Ketton Brewery, gave the children, ranging from three to sixteen years, a knife-and-fork tea in the Northwick Hall. Sports and dancing followed. Mr William Cliffe provided a meat tea and dance for a large number in Mr W Nutt's barn. Mr A Brown catered for others at the Bull Inn. At Geeston, Mr L Barfield provided a feast at the Brewery Tap for the adult residents, the children going to Ketton. A quoit match was played between the two places, the trophy being a silver club.


A largely attended meeting convened by the committee of the Rutland Habitation of the Primrose League was held in the Northwick Hall, Ketton, on Thursday evening last. Tea was served to the members, and at the public meeting Mr J Hopwood presided, and was supported on the platform by Mr G H Finch MP and Mr Pettifer. At intervals during the meeting, Miss Athey charmed the audience with several songs, all of which were admirably rendered.


A successful concert was held in the Northwick Hall on Thursday evening week, the proceeds being for the Ketton National Schools Building Fund. The majority of the influential residents of the neighbourhood accorded the event their patronage, and the hall was crowded. A capital programme was arranged and most of the items were very warmly applauded, particularly in the second part, where no less than six encores were demanded. The School children sang creditable, and showed evidence of careful training.


A concert in Ketton, organised for the purpose of raising funds to provide a bagatelle table for the Institute, was held in the Northwick Hall on Tuesday evening. The building was well filled and the monetary result was most satisfactory, while from a musical point of view the concert was a success in every way. An excellent programme was arranged and in addition to the good services of the local artistes, valuable help was given by several gentleman from Stamford, including a quartette party consisting of Messrs A Cornish, PC Williams, H Sargeant and A Winterbotham, whose well-modulated voices blended admirably in the rendering of Hatton's "I Love Thee". In response to an encore they gave "On the Banks" with sweet effect. Mr A Winterbotham's two songs were finely delivered, and on each occasion, encores were demanded.


A successful concert in aid of the funds of the Midland Hotel Sick, Dividing and Medical Club was held in the Northwick Hall on Monday evening. There was a large attendance and the efforts of the performers gained well deserved appreciation – several encores being demanded.


A very entertaining comedy by John Poole, entitled "Paul Pry" was successfully presented at the Northwick Hall last week, by members of the Ketton Institute, assisted by friends. The first performance took place on Wednesday evening, before a crowded house, and on Thursday there were both matinee and night presentations of the play, while on Saturday evening it was again reproduced, the audience on each occasion being very satisfactory. the amateur comedians, one and all, well adapted themselves to their parts, and acted in a manner which greatly satisfied and gratified the numerous residents and others who patronised the entertainments.

The dramatic persons were as follows: - "Colonel Hardy", Mr H J Green; "Frank Hardy", Mr H Barfield; "Witherton" (an old bachelor), Mr F Nutt; "Willis" (his nephew, disguised as Somers), Mr C Barsby; "Stanley", Mr A Redmile; "Harry Stanley" (his son), Mr H Scotchbrook; "Paul Pry", Mr R Peel; "Grasp" (steward to Witherton), Mr G Scotchbrook; "Double Dot" (an innkeeper), Mr Arthur Redmile; "Simon", Mr T Allen; "Eliza", Miss D Barfield; "Marian", Miss Yates; "Mrs Subtle", Miss S Jowett; "Phoebe", Miss Raithby.

The requisite scenery for the production of the play was the work of Messrs Stanyon Bros and was painstakingly prepared, with capital effect. Miss D Thorpe effected the decorations, which were likewise exceedingly good. It should be mentioned too, that considerable credit and thanks are due to the Rev A H Snowden (Vicar), for the great trouble he had taken towards ensuing the success of the play. The proceeds are devoted to providing a new billiard-table for the Institute.


Through the kindness of Mrs Eaton, a concert in aid of the funds of Ketton Choral Society was given in the Northwick Hall on Jan 7th. A severe storm which unfortunately came on just before the concert was timed to begin prevented many who intended to be there from enjoying the musical treat arranged. All deeply regretted the absence of Mrs Eaton, through ill-health, and also Miss S Eaton, who, owing to an accident in the hunting field, was unable to take part in the concert.


On Wednesday, a grand evening concert was given in the Northwick Hall by Miss Sybil Eaton and Mr George Eaton. Admission was free and the programme of instrumental and vocal music was appreciated.


On Saturday, the school children had an excellent tea in the Northwick Hall, provided out of the May garland collection.


In the Northwick Hall, an armistice anniversary supper arranged in connection with the Portland cement Company was thrown open to all ex-Service men in the village. Seventy persons sat down to an excellent repast.