
Other Ketton newspaper articles

Transcribed from old newspaper articles about Ketton.

1785 - Five generations in Ketton

There is now living in one house in Ketton, in Rutland, a great great grandfather, a great grandfather, two grandfathers, two fathers, and grandmother and six great great grandchildren, in all only nine persons; and what is more extraordinary, the great great grandfather about two years since buried his grandmother and wife in one coffin.

1787 - Walking wager - from Ketton to Stamford

Yesterday se'nnight (sevennight) Mr Flavell, Senior, of Ketton, aged 70, undertook for a wager of five guineas to go on foot to Stamford (four miles) and return to Ketton in two hours, which he performed with ease in one hour and fifty-seven minutes.

1842 - Shameful and dangerous state of roads

Praise is due to Messrs. Stangar and Swingler, surveyors of the highways in Ketton, for the prompt attention to the duties of their office. The roads had been allowed to get into a shameful and dangerous state.

1846 - Butler's cause of pain found

For some months previous to this week, Mr Worsley, butler to G Sowerby Esq of Ketton, felt considerable pain in different parts of his body without being able to ascertain the cause. A short time ago he was playing cricket and on account of the pain he experienced when the game was finished he fancied he had sprained his right arm. The remedies usually adopted in such cases were accordingly applied, but without any beneficial effect. The pain in the arm increased until at length the sufferer could use neither his arm nor his fingers. In this state he called on a surgeon, who after minutely examining the arm, discovered something unusual under the skin a short way below the elbow. He then laid open the skin and took from beneath it a common needle. Immediately the needle was removed the patient was relived, and had the full use of his arm and fingers. In what way the unwelcome intruder got into his arm he knows not, but the medical gentleman is of opinion that he must at some time or other have swallowed it.

1854 - Rector of Ketton suspended for intemperate habits

The Rector of Ketton, near Stamford, has been suspended by the Bishop of Peterborough, for the term of two years, in consequence of his intemperate habits.

1860 - Hon. Henry Noel letter to Ketton villagers

The Hon. H Noel has addressed a circular to several of the inhabitants of Aldgate, Ketton, endeavouring to move them to temperate habits. The following is a copy of the circular: "Exton, Feb 1860. My dear friend - since I first came to live at Ketton I have been in the habit of making you a small present of coal or flannel at Christmas, but I write this to tell you that I do not intend to give away any flannel or coal at all in Aldgate next Christmas; but as I wish to do you real good, I am going to make you an offer. I on my part will make you next Christmas a present of ten shillings, if you on your part you will not go inside a public-house from the day I leave this letter at your house until next Christmas-day. I shall then go to your home and ask you, upon your word of honour as an Englishman, whether you have been inside a public-house or not since you got this letter. If you tell me you have not been inside a public-house you will be entitled to draw of me 10s; but if you have been inside a public house, then I give you my word of honour as an Englishman. I shall keep the 10s you might otherwise have claimed of me buttoned up in my own pocket. I remain your friend, Henry Noel. [Henry Noel was the brother of the 1st Earl of Gainsborough]

1863 - Gas works nearly completed

The gas works at Ketton are nearly completed and it is believed that in about a fortnight, the fine medieval church will be lighted with gas, divine service, which is very attractive there, being performed every Sabbath evening. The standards introduced when the church was restored are now being adapted for gas-burners. It is not proposed to light the streets at present, but such a desideratum cannot be long delayed, now that pipes have been laid along the principal thoroughfares. The inhabitants must adopt the required improvements. The causeways being in a very dilapidated state are very trying to "poor feet"; these will probably be attended to when a liberal supply of gas-tar can be procured in the village, which is an important ingredient in the manufacture of asphalts.

1865 - Quarry damage by picnic parties

Considerable damage having been lately done by picnic parties and other persons to the trees and walls in the plantations adjoining the above quarries, the public are requested to take notice that in future all persons committing such damage, or trespassing in the said plantations, will be prosecuted. John Dabbs, Agent for Lord Northwick.

1884 - Amusing dynamite scare in Rutlandshire

A short time ago the inhabitants of the quiet village of Ketton, a few miles from Stamford, were placed in a state of considerable alarm by a mysterious parcel which had been left at the village public-house by a stranger. The facts of the occurrence are somewhat as follows: a man named Williamson, who is attached to the Ordnance Survey staff, was transferred from the Derby station to Empingham, a village about four miles from Ketton Railway Station. In transferring his goods to his new home, he brought over with him, amongst other articles, a rudely constructed clock which he had made himself. This clock, in addition to other idiosyncrasies, had a habit of stopping occasionally and going again, and with this unreliable contrivance safely wrapped in a brown paper parcel, Williamson called at the public-house on his way through the village after leaving the other articles of furniture at the railway station. He resolved to leave the parcel in the care of the landlord, not divulging its contents, intending to return for it the next day.

Shortly after he had left the house, the clock became agitated by its desertion, and the occupants of the room with thoughts of dynamiters and infernal machines, and knowing that it was not necessary for an infernal machine to be accompanied with a Gladstone bag, began to have grave and alarming suspicions regarding the contents of the brown paper parcel. It was not long before the customers decamped from the room, and a rumour spread through the village that a dynamiter had been to the public-house and left his machine in the parlour. A large concourse of villagers assembled round the house, the landlord was sent to a neighbouring village for the police-constable, servants were despatched in search of the dynamiter, and the whole of the villagers were in expectation and dread.

When the constable arrived he joined the crowd, mechanically formulating his plan of operation, and after screwing his courage to the sticking point he fetched the mysterious parcel out of the house, took it into the backyard where he was proceeding to inspect it, when the landlord, fearful of its violence, ordered it to be removed into an adjoining field. Here the constable, with a celebrity which only equalled his bravery, tore off the wrapping a disclosed to view - a common clock, ticking away as calmly as if it had been in a lady's boudoir. In the meantime, a number of other goods left by Williamson at the railway station had been subjected to a careful scrutiny, not without grave suspicion that they were part and parcel of the infernal plant of the "Dynamiter". When Williamson returned to Ketton the next evening to fetch his goods he was accosted by the policeman, who was on the lookout for him, and only allowed to depart after a sufficient explanation had been given.

1885 - Strange superstition in Ketton

Strange superstition. At Ketton (Rutlandshire), the other day, an inquest was held, touching the death of Harry Baker, aged 23, who was missed on the night of the 27th of November, after the termination of the polling for the county election, and was believed to have walked into the ford near the stone bridge during the darkness. The river at the time was running strongly, and deceased had no companions with him. The dragging irons from Stamford were obtained, and a protracted search was made in the river, but without result. However, in obedience to the wish of Baker’s mother, a loaf charged with quicksilver (said to be scraped from an old looking-glass) was cast upon the waters, and it came to a stand-still in the river at the bottom of Mrs Lewin’s field. Here the grappling hooks were put in, and the corpse was brought to the surface, having been in the water 17 days. The river at this sport had been dragged several times before. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the evidence.

1901 - Bullock's strange freak in Stamford

A large bullock sent to market from the farm of Mr T. C. Molesworth, J.P. of Ketton, engaged in a strange freak at Stamford yesterday. It had been secured in the sale ring, which has iron rails around it about six feet high. The beast jumped over the railings and ran wildly into the street. All efforts to stop the animal were of no avail, and it raced through the town, much to the alarm of passers-by, and ultimately found its way back to Mr. Molesworth's farm, which is four miles from the market.

1909 - 10 mph speed limit in the village

A meeting of the parish council was held in the School last week, when there were present – Mr A D Potter (who presided), R H Andrew, R J Astin, J M Collins, G Edmonds, J Knight, T C Molesworth, C Tyler, R Redmile and R Stanyon. It was decided to apply for the adoption of the ten-miles-an-hour speed limit for motors running through the village.

1911 - Miniature rifle range fitted

A miniature rifle range, with the approval of Mr R R Hollins, has been fitted up in the Victoria Buildings. Whitehouse's targets apparatus is used, and the range is opened two nights weekly. Mr C Tyler is treasurer, and Mr F Nutt, secretary..

1926 - New road in Ketton?

To the Editor of the Grantham Journal. Sir, – Now that Ketton Hall is to be demolished, it seems to me that this affords a splendid opportunity for the Rutland County Council to cut a new road right through that property from a suitable point off the Uppingham Road (near to the Village Green) in a direct line to the Tixover Road, with a bridge over the L.M. & S Railway at (or near) the allotment crossing. As this scheme would automatically extinguish the present dangerous level-crossing adjoining Ketton Station (access to which could be obtained quite easily by a short connection from the proposed new thoroughfare, running parallel with the railway track on its northern side), the Ministry of Transport would doubtless be willing to defray the major part of the cost. Possible, the LM&S Railway Company would also contribute, as they would certainly derive permanent benefit from it. Yours respectfully, “Broad Highway”.

1926 - Three bridesmaids taken ill on eve of wedding

Three girls who had been chosen to be bridesmaids at the marriage of Miss Eva Dunford and Mr G.W. Bland at Ketton, Rutland, were taken ill, two with influenza and one with scarlet fever, almost simultaneously, and they were unable to attend the ceremony, although they had bought their dresses and hats. Fresh arrangements had hurriedly to be made, and Miss Dunford's sister-in-law acted as "best girl" at the wedding.

1929 - Bringing Ketton roads up to modern requirements

To the editor of the Grantham Journal. Sir, - May I be allowed to make an earnest appeal to the Surveyor of the Rutland County Council to bring the main road through Ketton more up to the standard of modern requirements, firstly by increasing its width wherever possible, and, secondly, by providing an additional foot path for pedestrians along the whole of the south side from Stocks Hill to Bull Lane. For the latter purpose it would be necessary to set back the boundary wall of the National Schools (but, doubtless, further land for an extension of its playground could be obtained at the back thereof) , and to similarly treat all other fencing along that line of route. Traffic through the centre of Ketton is increasing rapidly, and the need for improvement is really clamant. Your respectfully, motorist.

1934 – Street lighting in Ketton

Capt. A D Potter, JP., chairman of Ketton Parish Council, presided at a parish meeting convened to consider the question of lighting the streets with electricity and there was a large attendance. The Chairman explained that several members of the Council had inspected the village, and they suggested the fixing of 18 lights, the cost being just under £50 for a year. Mrs H Goodyear proposed that the scheme should not be adopted, which was seconded and carried. An amendment moved by Mr C Stanyon for the adoption of the scheme found no seconder.

1934 – Electric lighting at the Congregational Church

The Rev F Brown presided at a meeting of members of the Congregational Church on Thursday week. it was decided to install electric light in the Chapel in place of acetylene gas. The installation will cost about £10.

1938 – Longevity in a village

Ten couples married 520 years. Ketton, a Rutland village just outside Stamford. which has a population of only just over 1,000, numbers among its residents no fewer than ten couples who have celebrated their golden weddings. One of them have the distinction of having been married over 60 years. Between them the ten couples have been married 520 years.

They are Mr and Mrs Albert Hawes (married In 1876), Mr and Mrs T Scotchbrook (1883), Mr and Mrs Everard Turner (1886), Mr and Mrs Thomas Burrows (1884), Mr and Mrs James Johnson (1886). Mr and Mrs John Knox (1886), Mr and Mrs J Knight (1888), Mr and Mrs Rowland Redmile (1887) and Mr and Mrs W Cliff (1887). Moreover, on Christmas Day there was yet another Ketton couple living who had celebrated their golden wedding. The day after their golden wedding the partnership was severed by the passing of the husband. It is remarkable that no fewer than three of the couples are in one family. Mrs T. Scotchbrook, who has been married 55 years, is a sister of Mr W. Cliff, who has been married 50 years, and also a sister of Mrs Everard Turner, who has been married nearly 52 years.

1941 – Ketton boundaries

Another problem in local geography. Sir. – “Tatler’s” recent notes on Wansford and Stibbington were interesting, and I am wondering if he or any of your readers can tell us where are the actual boundary lines diving Aldgate (Ketton) and Geeston, also Geeston and its neighbouring hamlet of Kilthorpe. It is generally understood that Aldgate is that part of Ketton on the south side of the river Chater, and the railway track is usually regarded as the boundary between Aldgate and Geeston, but as the latter place was, undoubtedly, established long before the advent of the “iron road” that cannot obviously be the true explanation. Yours respectfully. “Rutland Rover”.

1950 – Blue-tit fights red tape

Postmen clearing a letter box at Ketton, near Stamford, in Lincolnshire, found that almost every day they also had to clear out the foundations of a nest which a blue-tit was determined to build there. The other day a postman discovered that in its search for building material, the bird had incorporated a piece of a letter in its nest. the postman had to take the mutilated letter, entangled in the nest, to the Stamford Post Office, whence it was returned to the sender and the postage refunded. My latest news is that the blue-tit, undaunted by these red-tape restrictions on its building programme, refuses to evacuate the letter box.