Mill Lane
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The first mention of a water mill in the village was in the Doomsday Book. The present water mill was mentioned in 1772. Flour was last milled there in the late 19th century. Subsequently the millwheel provided power to pump water up to Empingham Road. It also powered a French organ owned by Mr J T Hopwood of Ketton Hall. In 1844 Richard Compton took over Ketton Water Mills from his brother Thomas and sold flour, bran, shorts, meal etc.
Listed buildings- 1 Mill Lane, Mill Cottage - Cottage, C18. Two storeys. Signs of blocked ground floor openings
- 2 Mill Lane - Cottage, dated 1757 S S to rear above blocked entrance. Two storeys. Blocked doorway visible to right of present doorway
- 6 Church Road, Emmanuel Cottage formerly Millstone Cottage - House, C17. Two storeys. Central door in arch, with blocked doorway with timber lintel to left. Two storey wing to rear with C20 fenestration. One of the oldest houses in the village. In the 19th century it was used for the Sunday School.