Midland Hotel
< back to mapThe Midland Hotel, now Tobago Lodge, was adjacent to the station of the Midland Railway. The stables attached to the hotel were demolished to build the Sunday School extension. Outside the house a Hiring Fair used to be held, the last one begin in 1901. The pub closed in 1950.

The Syston and Peterborough Railway
The System and Peterborough Railway book by Peter Smith from Amazon
- 1866 - A cricket match was played at Geeston when the game was decided in favour of Ketton by the first innings, there not being time to play it out. The 22 then adjourned to the Midland Hotel to partake of a sumptuous repast. Ketton team: C Presgrave, J Stangar, T Buckworth, B Buckworth, R Nutt, W Whincup, F Whincup, J Sturgess, J Pridmore, T T Whincup, T Stangar
- 1866 - Ketton Annual Show of Rams - Mr Royce, directed by Mr R L Swingler, will let and sell by auction, in a field near the Midland Hotel at Ketton, about 50 superior rams. Refreshment at the Midland Hotel at 1 o'clock and the selling and letting to commence at half past 2 precisely
- 1866 - Upon the premises of Henry Alfin, the Midland Hotel, Ketton. The following were to be sold at auction: modern and genteel furniture, oil paintings, silver plates, pianoforte (nearly new), capital Bagatelle table, neat Gig, saddlery, scotch cart (nearly new), corn crusher, chaff-machine, &c
- 1871 - John William Goodliffe, aged 28, publican
- 1873 - Laxton Boyall of Ketton was charged with being drunk and refusing to quit licensed premises called the Midland Hotel at Ketton. Fined £1 including costs
- 1873 - An inquest was held at the Midland Hotel, Ketton, on the body of James Kettle, a poor tailor with a club foot, 70 years of age, who when returning home on Saturday night, after purchasing a few provisions, stumbled over a low wall in the darkness, and died almost instantly from a broken neck. A verdict of accidental death was returned but it was noted that the walls at the south end of Ketton bridge were of insufficient height and quite inadequate for the safety of the public using the bridge and would be called to the attention of the county surveyor.
- 1873 - Mr J W Goodliffe, landlord of the Midland Hotel, applied for a special license to sell refreshments in a marquee at Ketton sports.
- 1874 - The annual hiring fair took place at the Midland Hotel
- 1881 - John William Goodliffe, aged 38, publican
- 1882 - The annual hiring fair took place at the Midland Hotel. A great number of both masters and servants attended, a good deal of hiring was done, and good wages given
- 1887 - Mr. W. Goodliffe, landlord of the Midland Hotel, applied for special license to sell refreshments in marquee at Ketton sports
- 1888 - A presentation was held at the Midland Hotel for Police Constable Johnson, who has been stationed at Ketton for nearly twenty years. He was presented with a handsome timepiece upon his removal to Empingham. PC Johnson suitably acknowledged the gift.
- 1891 - John William Goodliffe, aged 48, publican
- 1893 - The annual hiring fair took place at the Midland Hotel, and report states them to have been the worst experienced of late years, owing undoubtedly to the agricultural crisis. Horsemen were readily hired at a fair salary, but ploughboys and lads were very numerous and wages ruled low where bargains were effected, while many remained without obtaining situations. The few maid-servants claimed good pay. There were the usual amusements in the hotel yard, which met with good patronage
- 1896 - The annual hiring fair took place at the Midland Hotel, where there was a good attendance of masters and servants, and a fair amount of hiring was done, wages ruling about the same as in recent years. Dancing was provided and there were the usual Martinmas attractions, including swing boats, cocoa-nuts, skittles, and sweet and fancy stalls
- 1896 - Licence transferred from Edward Cliff to James Taylor
- 1897 - Licence transferred from James Taylor to Everard Turner
- 1901 - Everard Turner, aged 42, publican
- 1911 - Everard Turner, aged 53, publican
- 1912 - The annual meeting of the Midland Hotel Sick and Dividing Club was held - a dividend was available for fifty-eight members at £1 2s 4d
- 1916 - Robert George Dicks, publican
- 1918 - Licence transferred from the late Robert George Dicks (killed in WW1) to his widow Rose Annie Dicks
- 1925 - Mrs Rose Annie Dicks, publican
- 1928 - Francis Quincey, publican
- 1929 - Licence transferred from the late Francis Quincey to his widow Elizabeth Jane Quincey
- 1936 - At the annual brewster sessions for the county, held at Oakham Castle, an application was discussed for said, was that possibly owing to the drop in railway traffic, the trade at the Midland hotel, which was near the station, was not what it ought to be, and his clients had felt for some time past that it would be to the advantage both of themselves and of the district generally if the two licences were merged into the Railway Inn. The chief constable stated he had no objection, subject to minor alterations being carried out at the Railway Inn.
- 1941 - The pub closed