
Fun, leisure & celebrations in Ketton

Transcribed from old newspaper articles about Ketton.

1816 - Singular Cricket Match

At Ketton feast on Tuesday [27th August], Mr Joseph Buckworth of Glinton; Mr Rowland Buckworth of Thorney; Mr John Buckworth sen. of Ketton; Mr Thomas Buckworth of Ketton; Mr John Buckworth jun. of Ketton; Mr _ Buckworth of Tickencote; and five children of Mr John Buckworth sen., offered to play a cricket match with any eleven gentlemen who were then in Ketton. The challenge being accepted, the family of the Buckworths gained at the first inning 40 notches and six byes; their adversaries, among whom was a member of the Oakham Club, at both their innings got but 42 notches and byes; thus leaving the Buckworths masters of the field.

1863 - Ketton celebrates the marriage of Albert (later Edward VII) and Princess Alexandra of Denmark

The loyalty of the inhabitants of Ketton was shown in a most unmistakeable manner. The programme comprised a dinner for the working men, tea for the women and children, and competition in rustic sports for prizes; all supplied by the liberality of the gentry, farmers and tradespeople of the village. Early in the morning a party of young men with firearms discharged volleys as an opening to the day of rejoicing. the village was gay with flags, banners &c. unfortunately the church bells could not be rung for want of some repairs in the tower. About 2 o’clock the working men in their holiday attire assembly at Mr G Brocklehurst's barn, where a well provided and well prepared dinner was laid out for them, which was thoroughly enjoyed. The Vicar presided, assisted by the Rev F H Sutton, and the farmers and tradesmen carved and waited. Before the dinner was over, J N Fazakerley Esq of Ketton Hall, arrived from Peterborough, where he had been attending his Rifle Corps, and proposed the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales, which was drunk with a good English "three times three", and the National Anthem was played by some young men of the village under the direction of Mr W Harrison. A procession was then formed and conducted to a field near the station where the rustic sports supplied a fund of amusement, while the women and children had tea at the tables vacated by the men. Soon after 7 o'clock Mr Fazakerley gave an excellent display of fireworks. This day has been fixed for opening the newly-erected gas works, and two stars illuminated with gas, were greatly admired by the villagers. A monster bonfire was lighted when the fireworks were over, and a merry dance in the barn above mentioned concluded the day's entertainment.

1874 - Amateur concert in Mr Nutt’s barn

A very delightful entertainment was given at an amateur concert on Friday evening the 16th inst at Ketton, by the two Misses Stangar, two Misses Turner, and Miss E Buckworth, assisted by Miss Willoughby of Peterborough, and the two Misses Custance of Manton. The concert took place in Mr Nutt's barn, which was fitted up and decorated for the occasion. Mr R Nutt, Mr T Buckworth, Mr W Woods and Mr J H Stokes also favoured the audience with popular songs. The laudable and charitable exertions of the young ladies were recognised by a large attendance. Mr W Woods, on behalf of the ladies, appropriately returned thanks to the company for their attendance, announcing that the proceeds amounted to five guineas, which would be presented to the Stamford and Rutland Infirmary.

1882 - Ketton Entertainment

On Thursday night an interesting entertainment was given in the Mission Hall by Mr A L Wolfe, in connection with the weekly Band of Hope held in the above-named place. Mr Wolfe, to illustrate and impress upon the minds of his young friends, certain important truths, produced a number of coloured candles, and lighted each, representing some domestic virtue, such as forgiveness, faith, love, obedience, temperance, &c. The illustrations were very telling, especially when he brought out a red light, illustrating the danger of intemperance, and related an incident which came under his own experience - when a locomotive engine he was once travelling with passed the red light and caused the wreckage of the whole train: in like manner, that they looked upon the wine when it was red, and tarried long at the wine, had woe, and sorrow, and contentions and redness of eyes. Since Mr Wolfe's residence at Ketton, several have become reformed from drinking habits, and there is a good work going on amongst the juveniles.

1885 - Workmen's trip to Skegness

On Monday last, Messrs Molesworth and Son, of Ketton, gave between forty and fifty of their employees a trip to Skegness, where they were received by one of the firm, who presided over them at a good dinner, provided at the Assembly Rooms. They returned the same evening, after having spent a very pleasant day.

1886 - Sports and Gala at Ketton

Tuesday last was a very important day in the history of Ketton, when this popular village was rendered unusually attractive by the holding of a gala and athletic sports under the rules of the AAA and NCU, in a field kindly lent for the occasion by Mr Molesworth. The weather was simply delightful, and had no doubt considerable influence with the gathering, which must have numbered between two and three thousand. These festivities were held under the auspices of the Conservative Association, and amongst the patrons were the names of the Most Hon the Marquis of Exeter, the Right Hon Lord Gainsborough, the Right Hon Lord Northwick, the Right Hon G J Noel, the Right Hon Lord Burghley, the Hon N Leslie Melville, G H Finch Esq MP, EP Monckton Esq, J T Hopwood Esq, A J Fludyer Esq, E N Conant Esq, C O Eaton Esq, Col Blacksett, T H Burroughes Esq, S Hunt Esq., F Coventry Esq, G Edmunds Esq, D J Evans Esq, W Newman Esq, J Phillips Esq, the Mayor of Stamford and others. The music during the afternoon and evening was supplied by the Oakham brass band under the conductorship of Mr Dexter, and the Ketton drum and fife band, under the leadership of Mr Pimlott. The judges for the sports were - Mr B Painter, Burley on the Hill and Mr Pinder, Whitwell; Mr F Coventry and Mr Wood acting as starters and Mr T Griffiths as handicapper. Mr F M Chapman officiated as judge in the pony and donkey races; MR. R. S Close starter. the committee are to be complimented upon the success of the whole affair, which, in short, may be said to be the outcome of real earnest exertion and untiring interest, of which the hon secretary Mr W Thompson, and the treasurer, Dr Snell, bore no unimportant part. The following was the programme and list of awards: -

  • 220 YARDS FLAT RACE (handicap), for boys under 16 - This race was reserved for Ketton only, and elicited eight entries. 1st, Waterbury watch, H W Betts, 14, 16 yds; 2nd, book, Earnest Hopwood, 11, 40 yds; 3rd, knife, J Woolley, 10, 48 yds.
  • 150 YARDS FLAT RACE (handicap), for men over 50, Ketton only. 1st, pig, value 20/-, Joseph Naylor; 2nd, fork and spade, G Marriott, 55 years; 3rd, three buckets, John Hales, 82.
  • 100 YARDS FLAT RACE, open to Rutland - 1st, ivory fish knife, value 30/-, H E Rippin, South London Harriers, Ketton; 2nd, stirrup clock, value 15/-, divided between J H Freeston, Ketton CC, and G A Hawling, Oakham.
  • ONE MILE FLAT RACE handicap (open). This race was run in four laps, and brought together four competitors. In the last lap the result was left entirely in the hands of J C Flint (Ketton) and J F Gregory (Uppingham), H Freeston having retired during the second lap, and H Wood, after the commencement of the last. Greogry then held the field and looked like winning, but Flint pulled up with a splendid spurt about fifty yards from home, and breasted the tape half a yard in front of his opponent thereby winning the first prize, a tea and coffee service, value 60/-. Gregory taking second honours, consisting of a cheese scoop, pickle fork, preserve server and butter knife, value 20/-
  • ONE MILE BICYCLE RACE (handicap) open. There were seven competitors in this content which was run in two heats. First heat: 1, Martin Rowe, Peterborough; 2, G Hetterley, Oakham. Second Heat: 1, W R Heighton, Elton; 2, J T Cropley, Peterborough. In the first heat, Dan Albone, Biggleswade, who was running in splendid form, had the misfortune to fall twice, owing to the rough course. In the final, Rowe was carried off the first prize, plated writing case, value 60/-, closely followed by Heighton, who won second honours, hot water jug 20/-.
  • HIGH JUMP (open) - There were six entries but only four competed, viz, A J Waterfield, Stamford; J F Gregory, Uppingham; H W Betts, Ketton and F H Wright, Peterborough. The first prize, plated cruet, value 20/-, was won by Waterfield, with a jump of 4ft 8in, and an exhibition leap of 4ft 9in; the second, plated pickle forks, value 10/-, by Gregory who failed at 4ft 8in.
  • 440 YARDS OBSTACLE RACE (open). There were eight entries for this event, six of whom started. The obstacles consisted of climbing a waggon, two flights of hurdles, barrels, creeping under a pole and waggon cloth. First prize, China and gilt biscuit box, value 40/-, JC Flint, Ketton; 2nd prize, toast rack, value 20/-, J Toon, Stamford; 3rd prize, two preserve spoons, J H Freeston, Ketton.

At this juncture the prizes for the above events were distributed by Mrs Hopwood of Ketton Hall, who accompanied each presentation with a few appropriate remarks.

  • PONY RACE. This was a competition for ponies not exceeding 14 hands, to carry 10 stone, the distance being about two miles flat: 1st, J Clarke's (Stamford "Mopstick", £5 5s; 2nd W C Shipman's (Waltham) "Tom Boy" £2 2s
  • DONKEY RACE. There were ten entries for this event, which created considerable fun: 1st prize, £1, Hubbard's (Easton) "Botherem"; 2nd, 10/-, Wesseldine's (Grantham) "Billy".
  • PONY RACE. This was open only for ponies not exceeding 12 hands, catch weight, distance about one mile: 1st prize, £2 2s, S Taylor (Barnack); 2nd £1 1s, T C Molesworth's (Ketton) "Drayman"
  • SACK RACE, fifty yards (Ketton only): 1st prize, wheelbarrow, value 15/-, D J Allen; 2nd, cask of ale, value 10/- T Scotchbrook
  • THREE LEGGED RACE, 100 yards (Ketton only) - 1st prize, value 15/-, T Scotchbrook and D J Allen; 2nd, value 7/6, H Woods and H E Rippin
  • AQUATIC RACE, 100 yards, open. 1st prize, 1 doz towels, value 15/-, F H Wright, Peterborough; 2nd, value 7/6, J Toon, Stamford
  • MARRIED WOMEN'S RACE, 60 yards (Ketton only) - 1st prize, plated tea-pot, value 10/6, Mrs Thompson; 2nd, dress, value 5/-, Mrs Barwell; 3rd, tea, Mrs Phillips; 4th, tea, Mrs Berridge
  • 100 YARDS (HANDICAP) FOR GIRLS UNDER 16 (Ketton only). 1st prize, value 10/-, Daisy Thorpe; 2nd, 5/-, Nellie Stubbins. Eleven entries.
  • TUG OF WAR. This was the last event on the programmer, the content being between nine of the pit men versus the same number resident in the village. After two good struggles, the Kettonians won easily.

In the evening there was dancing to the strains of the Oakham band which continued until about ten o'clock. The grounds were illuminated by the electric light, kindly provided and superintended by Mr T C Molesworth. [28 Aug]

1887 - Jubilee celebrated at Ketton Hall

The Jubilee was celebrated at Ketton Hall in first rate style, the whole of the workmen partaking of a substantial dinner, and their wives, with the mothers meeting, numbering upwards of ninety, having tea on the lawn. At both of these parties, the kindness of Mr and Mrs Hopwood was thoroughly appreciated.

1887 - Jubilee special treat for Sunday School children

The teachers of Stamford Congregational Sunday School gave the children a special treat this year - being "Jubilee year" - by taking them out of town for a half-day. Through the kindness of Mr and Mrs Hopwood of Ketton Hall, the Park was placed at their disposal, and on Tuesday, in beautiful weather, about four hundred scholars and one hundred teachers and friends came by special train to Ketton. Tea was provided in the Park for the youngsters and afterwards for two hundred teachers and friends. Mr and Mrs Stanyon and others connected with the Congregational Chapel here gave good help. The children sang hymns near the Hall and Mrs Hopwood made a few remarks, saying what a pleasure it gave Mr Hopwood and herself to welcome them to the Park. After hearty cheers for Mr and Mrs Hopwood, the usual amusements for children were proceeded with until nine pm when the party returned to Stamford.

1887 - Police entertained at Ketton Hall

On Saturday, the members of the Rutland Police force, and their wives, were kindly entertained by Miss Hopwood, at Ketton Hall, the residence of her father, J T Hopwood Esq. On their arrival at the Hall, Master Hopwood, youngest son, favoured the company with a song, accompanied by Miss Hopwood on the piano. On the company reaching the Mission Hall, they were addressed by Miss Faulkner (London) and Miss Hopwood, on their duties and difficulties, the address being listened to with earnest attention. Lady Victoria Evans-Freke was also present. they were afterwards entertained at tea in front of the Hall, the tables being presided over by Mrs Hopwood and her three daughters. Afterwards, Mr Hopwood invited them to the organ room, where he kindly gave some recitals on his powerful instrument, which were highly appreciated. Mr Hopwood then rendered the National Anthem, in which the company heartily joined. In the unavoidable, and regretted absence of Mr Keep, the Chief Constable, Supt Murfitt thanked Miss Hopwood, and Mr and Mrs Hopwood, for their great kindness to them; and after "three times three" had been heartily given, the company dispersed, thoroughly pleased with the first picnic they have had as a force.

1888 - Ketton Athletic Sports

This annual event, under the auspices of the Conservative Association, was held on Tuesday [21st August], and, as usual, was a great success, the number of spectators who passed into the field being computed at between three and four thousand. The patrons included the Most Hon Lady Northwick, the Right Hon Lord Burghley MP, the Right Hon G J Noel, Sir Ernest Stonhouse, G H Finch Esq MP, Colonel Blackett, E P Monckton, J T Hopwood Esq, A J Fluyer Esq, Rev P Stocks &c. The sports were under the rules of the AAA and NCU rules, and were held in afield kindly lent for the occasion by Messrs Nutt. The entries for the events compared very favourably with those of last year, excepting the pony races. The programme, which consisted of eighteen items, commenced at two o'clock, and was well over by a quarter past six, without any waste of time. The weather up to five o'clock was all that could be wished but, after the obstacle race, rain poured down in torrents for about ten minutes, and quickly cleared the spectators off to cover. At the conclusion of the next event, there was another shower, but the women ran off their race, although the rain delayed the e girls handicap for a short time. After this the sky cleared and the remainder of the evening was fine, but the rain which had fallen interfered with the dancing.

The judges for the sports were Messrs H Custance, B Painter, R Pinder and C Percival. Mr James W Betts acted as starter (excepting in the pony and donkey races, which were committed to MR. R. S Close), and got his fields well away together. The committee, whose arrangements were very satisfactorily and well carried out, included Dr Snell (president), Messrs R H Close, F Whincup, R Nutt, R Redmile, A Shelton, H Leonard, W Dainty, J H Freestone, G Freestone, J W Goodliffe, W Woods, T C Molesworth, W Nutt, R Astin, R Evans and the honourable secretaries Messrs W Thompson and Mr H woods. The music during the afternoon was supplied by the Ketton Primrose League Brass Band, under the conductorship of Mr A Rippon, which, with a little assistance from Stamford, played very credibly, notwithstanding that it has only been on foot about three months. The music was, consequently, not difficult, but what was attempt was done as well as could be expected, the performers keeping together and in tune; a good augury for the future.

1888 - Ketton Tea and Dance

On Monday evening, a public tea was held in the school room, followed by dancing, which was much enjoyed, to the strains of a string band, led by Mr Rippon, Stamford. Mrs Thorpe, Mr Woods jnr, and others sang at intervals, while the Misses Molesworth played pianoforte duets. The event passed off very satisfactorily, and the proceeds were devoted to extinguishing the debt (£70) on the Church spire.

1888 - Primrose League concert in Nutt’s barn

On Wednesday night a concert was held in Messrs R G and W Nutt's barn, on the Green, Ketton, in connection with the Ketton branch of the Empingham habitation of the Primrose League. The barn had been nicely decorated with flags, banners, bunting and a number of scrolls bearing the names of popular leaders of the Conservative party, constitutional legends, patriotic mottos &c. The decorations were the work of members of the committee which consists of Mr Snell, Col. Blackett, Messrs Molesworth, Thompson, Hibbins, Close, J H and G Freestone, J W Goodliffe, W and R G Nutt, W and H Woods &c. Mr G H Finch MP presided, and he was supported by Col Blackett, Mr G Cayley, and Mr V Stapleton. Amongst the audience were Lady Aveland and the Hon. Miss Willoughby.

1888 - Concert in aid of the cricket club in Nutt’s barn

A concert was held in Mr Nutt's barn, Ketton, on Friday in aid of the cricket club. There was a good attendance, and Mr Secret and Miss Speed, of Stamford, Mr J Goodliffe, of Ketton, Mr Close, of Collyweston, and others took part. The dance followed, about fifty persons being present. Mr Cooke of Stamford, supplied the music, and dancing continued until 4am. Refreshments were supplied by Mrs Andrew. A good sum was realised for the club. Mrs Goodliffe, of the Northwick Arms inn, Ketton, had the misfortune to break her leg by a fall in the garden.

1889 - Fancy bazaar at Ketton Hall for the church spire fund

A fancy bazaar was opened on Wednesday in the grounds of Ketton Hall, Rutland, in aid of the Ketton Church spire fund and the National School enlargement fluid, the sum of £200 being required. The bazaar was opened by Mr G. H. Finch, in the presence of a large number of spectators. In the course of his remarks the honourable gentleman referred to the question of voluntary schools, which, he said, he infinitely preferred to Board schools for three reasons—first, because they were an old-established institution of the country ; secondly, because of their economical management ; and thirdly, because of their efficiency. He was recently talking with a gentleman who had been an inspector of schools, and who said that in all small parishes and towns he preferred voluntary schools to Board schools because, while the cost was less the results were better. Mr Finch then formally declared the bazaar open, and a brisk trade was done. The Ketton Primrose League Brass Band and the Ketton Drum and Fife Band were in attendance, and numerous accessory entertainments were given.

1890 - Annual treat for Sunday school children

Delays, says the old adage, are dangerous, but they certainly have not proved so with regard to the treat annually given to the children attending the Church Sunday Schools. This "red letter" event was delayed until Tuesday last, but everything favourable seemed to concur to render it a happy afternoon. The usual short service in the Church preceded the march of the one hundred and twenty children, under the care of their teachers, to a field kindly lent by Mr Redmile, wherein those games, dear to the hearts of the juveniles, and to many a senior, quickly caused the time to glide away. Mr T H Burroughes, the Cottage, also added to the general happiness by throwing open his grounds to the merrie throng, and treating some of the children to a row on the water. The tea, provided on the Vicarage lawn, was no mean feature of the proceedings, after which came more sports and more games until dusk when the singing of the National Anthem proclaimed the end of this happy day. Amongst those present we noticed: The Rev P and Mrs Stocks; Mr, Mrs, the Misses and the Masters Burroughes; the Masters Hopwood; Miss Elwes; the Misses Cayley; Miss Snell; Miss Harrison; Mrs Divers; Miss Dunford and Mr Woodfield.

1890 - Ketton Harvest Supper

Mr T C Molesworth, jun, entertained the workmen on his farm, to the number of sixty-four, to a dinner on Saturday evening in Northwick Hall. Mr Molesworth presided, and Mr Pretty, farm foreman, was vice-chairman. Toasts were honoured and the evening was spent in conviviality.

1890 - Quoits game

The other day, an interesting game of quoits took place in Ketton, between the Conservative Club and the Ketton Rovers, in the grounds of the White Hart, the Rovers winning by seven points.

1891 - Cornet presented to the leader of the Primrose League brass band

A silver-plated cornet was presented on Saturday to Mr Walter Woolley in recognition of his services as leader of the Primrose League brass band. The presentation was made by Mr Snell on behalf of the band and friends. Mr Woolley is removing to Yorkshire. On Monday the band appointed Mr Frank Lattimore leader and Mr T Scotchbrook deputy-leader. Several new members were enrolled.

1892 - Concert in aid of the Church Heating Apparatus Fund

A concert in aid of the Church Heating Apparatus Fund was given in the National School on Tuesday. There was a large audience. The platform was prettily decorated with plants and flowers from the Hall gardens. The Choral Society, under the conductorship of the Rev P Stocks, Vicar of Ketton, acquitted themselves very creditably. Mr C J New secured an encore for his song "Best of All" in response to which he sand "Only Once More". In the second part of the programme, too, Mr New was encored, replying to which he gave "Sally in our Alley". Miss Hopwood and Mr Hopwood contributed one of the principal items in the programme, viz. a duet for pianoforte and mustel organ, the celebrated "Intermezzo" from Mascagni's "Cavalleria Rusticana" which was warmly encored.

1893 - Cricket club restarted

The cricket club was restarted. The old club having ceased to exist, owing to several removals from the village and other causes. Mr Hosea Silvanus Culpin is the secretary.

1894 - Ketton and Tixover Cottager Gardener’s Association exhibition at Ketton Hall

On Thursday afternoon, in fine weather, the annual exhibition under the auspices of the Ketton and Tixover Cottage Gardeners' Association was held in the grounds of Ketton Hall, by permission of Mr J T. Hopwood. Mr Hopwood's gardens and hot-houses were open to the inspection of visitors. The exhibits were staged in three marquees, and a fourth ten was utilized for refreshments, which were provided by the committee and under the supervision of Mrs Stocks. The Collyweston band played during the proceedings. Mr Divers, of Belvoir Castle gardens (formerly of Ketton) acted as the judge. During the afternoon, a cricket match, Married v. Single of Ketton, was played on the grounds, Mr Culpin being captain of the benedicts and Mr W. K. Molesworth captain of the bachelors' team. In addition to the exhibits entered for competition, Messrs W and J Brown, florists, of Stamford, had a good display of roses and various flowers and plants, together with a beautiful wreath Misses Molesworth and Snell sent a lovely bouquet; Mr G Drabble displayed some fine foliage plants and carnations; Dr Clabburn showed a collection of vegetables; and Mr A W Edwardes, florist, Stamford, had a good show of flowers and foliage, including two palms and some fine carnations. The entries showed an increase on the previous year.

1895 - Ball in the National School

The Amusement Committee had arranged a ball in the National School for last Friday night and Cooke's Quadrille Band from Stamford was engaged.

1897 - Knife and fork tea for Ketton children

Mr Bean of the Ketton Brewery, gave the children, ranging from three to sixteen years, a knife-and-fork tea in the Northwick Hall. Sports and dancing followed. Mr William Cliffe provided a meat tea and dance for a large number in Mr W Nutt's barn. Mr A Brown catered for others at the Bull Inn. At Geeston, Mr L Barfield provided a feast at the Brewery Tap for the adult residents, the children going to Ketton. A quoit match was played between the two places, the trophy being a silver club.

1900 - Concert in Ketton to raise funds for a bagatelle table

A concert in Ketton, organised for the purpose of raising funds to provide a bagatelle table for the Institute, was held in the Northwick Hall on Tuesday evening. The building was well filled and the monetary result was most satisfactory, while from a musical point of view the concert was a success in every way. An excellent programme was arranged and in addition to the good services of the local artistes, valuable help was given by several gentleman from Stamford, including a quartette party consisting of Messrs A Cornish, PC Williams, H Sargeant and A Winterbotham, whose well-modulated voices blended admirably in the rendering of Hatton's "I Love Thee". In response to an encore they gave "On the Banks" with sweet effect. Mr A WInterbotham's two songs were finely delivered, and on each occasion, encores were demanded.

1901 - Ketton Village Feast

The annual Ketton village feast is being duly celebrated this week with the customary merry-making. The pleasure fair commenced on Saturday and has been largely patronised each week night by the inhabitants and visitors from near and far. On Sunday the public were allowed to view the pretty grounds and gardens of The Cottage by kind permission of Mr T H Burroughes. The votaries of dancing have been afforded ample facilities for enjoyment. In trying to part two dogs which were fighting, a girl named Wright was badly bitten in the arm. She was taken to Stamford for medical treatment.

1902 - Ketton Village Feast

The village feast ended last Saturday evening, and during the week large numbers of people, including many visitors, enjoyed the annual holiday. Steam roundabouts, swing-boats, and other minor attractions came to the place, so there were plenty of amusements. The Coronation festivities were completed on the Monday, when there was a tea for children, and sports for persons of all ages.

1904 - Wedding festivities at The Firs

Last week, we briefly announced the marriage of Miss Helen Molesworth, elder daughter of Mr T C Molesworth, of The Firs, Ketton, to Mr A D Potter, son of the late Mr T Potter, of Hapstead House, Ardingly, Sussex, which took place at St. John's Church, Greenhill, Harrow. Among the wedding presents were a sardine dish and flower vases from Mr Molesworth's employees at Ketton stone quarries, a silver cake basket from the workmen employed at Luffenham roller flour mills, a table lamp from labourers on the Home Farm, a silver sugar bowl and tongs from employees on the Grange Farm, silver salt cellars and knife from the groom and gardener at The Firs, and a silver mustard pot from the maid-servants employed there.

A supper and entertainment, in celebration of the wedding, took place at The Firs last Wednesday night, when Mr Molesworth, snr., invited all the workmen in his employ, together with their wives. A marquee was erected in the Home Close, and this was nicely decorated, while on canvas was displayed "Health to to the Bride and Bridegroom". Thirty went from South Luffenham Mills, and were conveyed to Ketton in miller's waggons, these undergoing decoration in preparation for the auspicious outing. Supper was ready at seven o'clock. and one hundred and ninety in all sat down to an excellent repast, the catering being chiefly undertaken by Mr Turner, of the Railway Hotel. Ham, beef, pies, &c , were provided, and all enjoyed the repast immensely.

When they had finished, Mr Molesworth observed that he hoped all had enjoyed their supper and now they could either visit the quarries or walk round the gardens, but they were to re-assemble there again in half-an-hour. Upon returning, an entertainment was arranged, but, first of all, Mr Molesworth, snr., wished the company to drink the health of the King, which they did. Mr Goddard, of Leicester, commenced the programme, and caused intense laughter with his comic sketches. Mr Newham, also of Leicester, contributed a song, and he likewise accompanied the other vocalists on the pianoforte, besides playing banjo solos. Messrs. W Chappell and Rumsby, both of South Luffenham, contributed excellent songs. Then the "Health" of the bride and bridegroom" was pledged most enthusiastically; and Mr North (Luffenham) thanked the bride's father for the splendid supper given the work-people, which he was sure they had enjoyed. Mr Molesworth, in responding, thanked Mr North, and went on to say he was sure the bride and bridegroom would both have liked to have been amongst them, but he would thank them in their behalf for the good wishes expressed. He also remarked he hoped the newly-married couple would be as happy as he had been—he might say for forty years—and it had not been a day too long. Mr North thereupon called for three cheers for Mr Molesworth, and "He's a jolly good fellow" was most heartily sung. Mr Molesworth stated one thing he had forgotten, and that was to thank all kind friends who had subscribed towards the beautiful presents which had been given to the bride and bridegroom, and he was sure they would always with great pleasure remember them when these gifts were used. He proceeded to say that he was one who soon forgave all little quarrellings, and he hoped to remain their (the employees') friend as long as he lived. Mr T C Molesworth, jnr.. thanked Mr Turner and the waiters, who had done their work well. Among those also present were C. Springthorpe, Esq., of Stamford, Mrs Molesworth, and Mr W Molesworth. During the evening. songs were supplied by Messrs. Yates, Walpole, and Radford, belonging to Ketton. Cheers were accorded Mr T C Molesworth, jnr, Mr Springthorpe, and all belonging the families; and Mr Rumsby (foreman at the Mills), thanked Mr and Mrs Molesworth and all helpers for the enjoyable holiday, which, he thought, would be long remembered by everybody present. At half-past eleven a, very happy evening closed with the National Anthem.

1904 - Ketton Football Club

A meeting of the Football Club was held at the Bull Inn on Monday, when the following officers were elected: - President, Mr. R. R Hollins; vice-president, Mr F C Bird; captain, A Green; vice-captain, J Walpole; secretary, A Brown; treasurer, A Bird; committee, W Whittaker, E Andrew, A Ely, W Holben, J Knight, T W Russell, E Savage, L Thompson and H Green. The accounts show a balance in hand of 9s. The colours for the season are red shirts and white knickers. It was decided to enter the League for the Loweth Shield.

1905 - Band concert at Ketton Hall

By kind permission of R. R. Hollins Esq, the beautiful grounds of Ketton Hall were opened to the public on Sunday, when the Stamford Town Prize Band, under the leadership of Mr Walter Moore, performed an excellent concert, which was appreciated by a large gathering. Mr Hollins also very kindly entertained the bandsmen to tea.

1907 - Geeston Quoit Club Supper

The annual supper was held at the "Brewery Tap" on Saturday evening. About forty-two sat down to an excellent repast provided by Host and Hostess Barfield. Mr P Crowhurst acted as chairman and was supported by MR. R. Andrew (vice chairman), Mr W Holben, Mr E Turner, Mr C Walker and Mr W Wood. the remainder of the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner, songs being rendered by Messrs W Yates, J Thorpe, E Savage, A Green, and many others, while Mr J Steele played several excellent cornet solos which were greatly appreciated, the feast ending with the National Anthem.

1907 - Ketton And Tixover Cottage Gardeners' Association

R. R. Hollins Esq., President
A FLOWER SHOW will be held on Thursday August 1st 1907, in the grounds of KETTON HALL (by kind permission of R. R. Hollins Esq.).
FRUIT, FLOWERS, VEGETABLES, HONEY AND NEEDLEWORK will be exhibited. Several classes are open to those residing within a five-mile radius of Ketton. For schedules and entry forms apply to the secretary.
The gardens and hothouses will be open to visitors.
A CRICKET MATCH - Ketton v. a Stamford team - will be played in the park
ORGAN SELECTIONS - on the Grand Organ, in the Music Room, will be given by John Clare Billing Esq. who is kindly giving his services at 4:15, 6:15 and 7:15. Admission - Afternoon 6d, Evening 3d.
SPORTS will be held at 4:30
Several open events to residents within a five-mile radius of Ketton. For particulars etc, apply to Mr J W Goodliffe, Ketton.
The KETTON EXCELSIOR BRASS BAND will be in attendance from 2 to 9.
DANCING in the evening.
Refreshments on the ground
Admission: 2 to 4, 1s ; 4 to 6, 6d ; 6 to 9, 3d. No half-price
T.E.W. Wellsted, Hon. Sec.

1909 - Ketton Theatrical Entertainments

A very entertaining comedy by John Poole, entitled "Paul Pry" was successfully presented at the Northwick Hall last week, by members of the Ketton Institute, assisted by friends. The first performance took place on Wednesday evening, before a crowded house, and on Thursday there were both matinee and night presentations of the play, while on Saturday evening it was again reproduced, the audience on each occasion being very satisfactory. the amateur comedians, one and all, well adapted themselves to their parts, and acted in a manner which greatly satisfied and gratified the numerous residents and others who patronised the entertainments.

The dramatic persons were as follows: - "Colonel Hardy", Mr H J Green; "Frank Hardy", Mr H Barfield; "Witherton" (an old bachelor), Mr F Nutt; "Willis" (his nephew, disguised as Somers), Mr C Barsby; "Stanley", Mr A Redmile; "Harry Stanley" (his son), Mr H Scotchbrook; "Paul Pry", MR. R. Peel; "Grasp" (steward to Witherton), Mr G Scotchbrook; "Double Dot" (an innkeeper), Mr Arthur Redmile; "Simon", Mr T Allen; "Eliza", Miss D Barfield; "Marian", Miss yates; "Mrs Subtle", Miss S Jowett; "Phoebe", Miss Raithby.

The requisite scenery for the production of the play was the work of Messrs Stanyon Bros and was painstakingly prepared, with capital effect. Miss D Thorpe effected the decorations, which were likewise exceedingly good. It should be mentioned too, that considerable credit and thanks are due to the Rev A H Snowden (Vicar), for the great trouble he had taken towards ensuing the success of the play. The proceeds are devoted to providing a new billiard-table for the Institute.

1910 - Meeting at Ketton Hall in support of the Church of England Society for Waifs and Strays

On Saturday afternoon, Mrs R. R. Hollins gave an "At Home" at Ketton Hall, in support of the Church of England Society for Waifs and Strays. The Rev A H Snowden, Vicar, presided at a meeting held in the music room, and Mr Victor Carlisle gave a most interesting account of the work of the Society. The Rev A Hunt, of Welton, Lincs, also delivered an excellent address. Hymns were sung and Mr J C Billing (Stamford) played the organ. About £7 was collected. The company were entertained to tea by Mrs Holling.

1910 - Marriage of Miss Hollins of Ketton Hall

The marriage of Miss Constance Merlyne Ethel Hollins to Mr Stuart Graham Wallace took place on Thursday in St Mary's Church in Ketton. The weather during the ceremony was beautiful, the sun shining gloriously, and the auspicious circumstances tended to swell the number seeking to view the proceedings. Miss Hollins, unlike many who select some fashionable church in town, had decided to enter the hymeneal state in the presence of villagers, amongst whom the Hall family manifest a most kindly and generous regard, and the bride had the additional joy of knowing that her happiness was a subject of pleasure to the parishioners - the numerous gifts sent her by so many sections of the residents affording striking and eloquent testimony of her popularity. The bride is the only daughter of Mr Richard R Hollins, of Ketton Hall, who is largely interested in the Transvaal and Rhodesia. The bridegroom is the eldest son of Captain Robert Edward Wallace - the family for many years resided in Kimberley, South Africa, and were among its best known citizens. Mr Wallace's family are the direct descendants of the well-known Scottish family of that name. Among the five hundred guests were Lord and Lady Gainsborough, Sir Eustace Fiennes (grandfather of Sir Ranulph), Mrs Hubert Eaton, Mr and Mrs T H Burroughes, Major and Mrs Gorton, Mrs Tweddell, Miss Elwes and Mr and Mrs Molesworth. The couple will make an extended tour of Scotland before setting up residence in South Africa.

Apart from the rejoicings in the family circle, hundreds of the villagers have been enabled to participate in the celebration of the auspicious event. All the children from three to fifteen were invited by Miss Hollins to the Hall on Saturday afternoon for a splendid tea in the park. After the tea, Mr T E W Wellstead (schoolmaster), on behalf of the schoolchildren, presented the bride with a pair of handsome silver dressing room candlesticks and a silver book market. Suitable acknowledgement was made by Miss Hollins who said she was ever value the gifts as mementoes of the time spent amongst them. Sports and games followed, excellent prizes being provided, and sweets and wedding cake were much appreciated. The festivities continued in the evening when four or five hundred residents of the village and neighbourhood received invitations to the Hall. The people inspected the lovely gardens and danced in the Park while the Ketton Band played. Hundreds of Japanese lanterns illuminated the scene at dusk.

Employees at Ketton Hall gave the couple a silver rose bowl, illuminated address. The tradesman of Ketton gave the couple four silver salt cellars. The parishioners of Ketton gave the couple a silver sugar bowl and cream jug. The widows of Ketton gave the couple a pair of silver salt cellars. The Excelsior Band of Ketton gave the couple a pair of silver candlesticks

1910 - Ketton Entertainment

An enjoyable evening was spent at the Mission Room on Thursday week, when an entertainment was given, consisting of glees, songs, piano and violin solos, rounds, recitations and a laughable dialogue.

1911 - Concert at Northwick Hall

On Wednesday, a grand evening concert was given in the Northwick Hall by Miss Sybil Eaton and Mr George Eaton. Admission was free and the programme of instrumental and vocal music was appreciated.

1911 - May Garland Day

The usual May Day procession of the school children took place on Monday. Evelyn Tubby, the "May Queen" rode on a donkey, and the procession was headed by Boy Scouts. The children sweetly sang, and the Maypole dance was performed at several places in the village. With £2 18s collected, a tea will, at a later date, be provided

1911 - Coronation Day preparations

A public meeting was held in the School Room on Thursday week, to consider what should be undertaken in this village to celebrate the King's Coronation. There was a proposal for providing a public clock, but this failed to get the requisite support. A general feast and sport for the inhabitants was proposed, and it was also decided to erect a flagstaff in some prominent position as a permanent memorial. Mr C Stanyon was appointed secretary, and Mr T C Molesworth the treasurer of the Coronation Fund. A Committee was elected to arrange matters, with various sub-committees appointed to carry out arrangements.

1912 - Ketton Victoria Hall dance

A company of about forty-five attended a dance on Thursday week, held in the Victoria Hall. Piano and violin music was supplied, and the MCs were Messrs G Scotchbrook and A Shelton. Refreshments were provided by Mr J Sharman. The profits, about 12s, go to support the Cricket Club.

1914 - May Treat

Ketton village children, on Thursday week, had their annual May treat, afforded them by means of the money generously bestowed on the occasion of the parade with the garland. Tea was served and was appreciated greatly. Mr and Mrs T E W Wellsted (School House) and other looking after the needs of the numerous juveniles. Sports and games followed in the field lent by Miss Elwes, and the delightful weather prevalent contributed towards the complete enjoyment of the holiday.

1914 - Whit Monday Dance

On Whit Monday night, an enjoyable dance took place in the Victoria Hall. Miss E Scotchbrook supplied pianoforte music, and Mr J Thorpe was MC.

1921 - Concert for the Boy Scouts Trust at Ketton Hall

Large audiences patronised the concerts given in the music room at Ketton Hall on Thursday week, in behalf of the Boy Scouts Fund, and the takings reached £30. Miss Sybil Eaton, the renowned violinist (who arranged the recitals), Miss May Matingley, soprano, of Queen's Hall fame, and Dr Malcolm Sargent, the brilliant young organist of Melton Mowbray, contributed to the programme, which afforded great pleasure.

1921 - Ketton Feast

During this week, the annual feast is being commemorated by Ketton villagers and visitors. Sacred concerts were given on Sunday by the Collyweston Silver Band in the afternoon, and Stamford Military Band at night. A dance in the Village Club on Monday was well patronised. Music was supplied by Messrs D Lacey (violin) and H Jones (piano) and Mr A Barsby was MC. In the "Pied Bull" yard, a steam "merry-go-round" and other itinerant amusements provide the "fun of the fair" for old and young, onlookers as well as patrons.

1922 - New Year’s Dance

On Monday, a dance was held in support of the Village Club, and about 100 persons attended. Mr H Jones’ orchestra furnished music, and the MCs were Messrs A Barsby, A Capendale and T Brown. Mr A Cliff was successful in a cake-weight guessing competition, but nobody stated “liver pills” as the contents of a mystery box.

1923 - Ketton Whist and Dancing

On Thursday week, a whist drive and dance on the lawn of The Cottage, in aid of the Village Hall, were meagrely patronised, due to counter-attractions. Forty-eight played whist. Mr C Spencer, pianist, North Luffenham, supplied music. The MC's were Messrs S Scotney (whist) and A Cliffe.

1923 - Games night for the Village Club

At the Victoria Hall, on Friday week, a "games night" was arranged for the benefit of the Village Club. Prizes were awarded for bowling, a knock-out whist competition, skittles, darts, rings, candle-lighting, &c. Refreshments were served during the enjoyable evening by Mrs Scotney and Mrs Shelton.

1923 - Ketton children's outing to Hunstanton

On Thursday week about 160 school children and parents journeyed in five motor-buses to Hunstanton for the annual outing and the arrangements were made by Mr A W Nunn (schoolmaster). A stop was made at Sandringham on the outward journey and at 10am the party arrived "down by the sea" where eight hours were pleasantly passed. The return journey was made via Wisbech and Peterborough. Most of the money for the cost of the outing was raised by whist drives &c.

1923 - Whist drive

On Friday week a whist drive in aid of the Midland Hotel Sick and Dividing Club was very successful. One hundred and sixteen persons played, and Mr J Burbidge was timekeeper. Prize-winners: Ladies - 1. Miss E Jesson, 2. Mrs Thompson (Tinwell) 3. Mrs Raye (North Luffenham), 4. Mrs C Yates, 5. Mrs Smith, half-time highest score Miss G Berridge, travelling prize Miss M Towell and mystery prize Miss Beasley (North Luffenham). Gentleman - 1. L Thompson, 2. A Hill, 3. W Whittaker (North Luffenham), 4. A Scotchbrook, 5. G Andrew, half-time highest score J Bradshaw, travelling prize A Scotchbrook and mystery prize T Cardell. There was also a skittles content, and the prizes were won by Mrs Boyall and Mr E Elkington. Nobody guessed the hidden contents of a cake (a glass model of a dog) or the article (a calendar) in a basket of apples, and the prizes were sold. The winning number (111) in a competition for a pig was possessed by Miss A Eayres, of this village.

1924 - Recreation ground wanted

On Friday week, Mr A D Potter, JP, presided at a parish meeting, at which it was proposed that all steps possible be taken to acquire a recreation ground for the village, and, on the proposition of General R St G Gorton, a Committee was formed to find land and ascertain the cost thereof, then report to another parish meeting.

1924 - Cottage hospital helped

In the Village Club on Thursday week, a whist competition took place for the benefit of Oakham Cottage Hospital, and about £10 was obtained. Mr S Scotney was MC. Prize-winners: 1. Mr and Mrs C Yates, 2. Mr H Scotchbrook and Mr A Freeman, 3. Mr S Crowson and Mr J Bradshaw, 4. Mr and Mrs Greenwood, 5. Mr E Stafford and Mr T Cardell. Bowling, skittles and a cake competition were provided.

1924 - Whist finances cricket

In the village Club on Friday week a whist drive took place in support of the Cricket Club. Mr S Scotney was MC, and seventy-six persons played. Prize-winners: Mrs E Cardell, Mrs C Yates, Mrs A Scotchbrook, Messrs S Crowson, Mr Barwell and G Tipler. There were also several competitions. The skittles content was won by Mr T Cardell and Mr G Tubby; and in the bowls content for ladies the winners were Mrs Scotchbrook and Miss K Capendale. For a guessing competition, Dr Wilson and Capt. W D Johnson gave eggs, which were shared by Messrs C Burbidge, A Lee, N Andrew and E Branston. The profits were about £5 10s.

1924 - Whist drive to benefit the Village club

There were nearly seventy players at a whist drive for benefitting the Village Club funds on Friday week in the Victoria Hall. Mr H Scotchbrook was timekeeper. Prize-winners: - Mrs Robinson, Mrs A Knox, Miss A Brittain, Messrs A Scotchbrook, T Cardell and G Knighton. Prizes were also furnished for skittles (winners Messrs E Cardell and C Smalley) and bowls (Miss A Brittain).

1925 - Whist Drive in the Victoria Hall

On Friday week, a whist drive was held in the Victoria Hall, in aid of the Quoit Club. Ninety persons played and Messrs S Scotney and J Thorpe were MCs. Prize-winners were: Messrs S Thorpe, G Hough, D Roberts and P Scotney, Mrs Robinson, Mrs A Scotchbrook, Miss Morris and Miss M Sivers. Fifteen tables were engaged in a knock-out competition which was won by Mr J Hall and Mr J Andrew. In a skittles competition those successful were Mr A Knox and Mr A Walpole. The takings were about £8.

1925 - Feast week

During this week the villagers and visitors in Ketton are celebrating the annual feast. On Sunday, the Stamford Town Prize Silver Band gave concerts in the grounds of Ketton Cottage and at The Firs, and the Collyweston Silver Band also played in the village, attracting large gatherings, including hundreds of visitors. Amusements in the "Pied Bull" paddock comprised a steam roundabout, swing boats, skittles, coconut shies, stalls &c. Two dances have been held in the Village Club.

1926 - Ketton Village Men’s Club opened

The Ketton Village Men’s Club opened with about 120 members. Mr F T Walker was president, with Commander C Crichton-Maitland, Brigadier-General R St G Gorton, Captain Potter, Mr C F Burroughes, Dr G P Wilson, Dr C Rolleston, Rev A H Snowden, Mr T C Molesworth, Mr R H Close, Mr C E Packer, Mr G Edmonds, and Miss Colvin vice-presidents. Mr S Scotney was re-appointed secretary and Mr A W Nunn, hon. treasurer. The committee comprises Messrs W Andrew, E Barfield, F S Browne, E Chappell, A Cliff, A Freeman, A Garfield, A Hill, H Scotchbrook, G Scotchbrook, E Stafford, L Thompson, J Thorpe, G Wann and J Weightman.

1926 - Ketton children's outing to Hunstanton

Nearly a hundred school children went by motor omnibus to Hunstanton on Thursday week, and each had a shilling from the Seaside Outing Fund to spend, the day being quite pleasurable for the party.

1926 - Ketton Village Men’s Club smoking concert

On Friday week, the members of Ketton Village Men's Club, at a smoking concert, presented a silver keyless watch to Mr Stanley Scotney, in recognition of his valuable services as hon. sec.

1926 - May Day Festival

After several years lapse, the May Day festival, postponed from the first of the month, was held last week. Freda Clew was Queen, Jack Scotchbrook and Aubrey Dennis "pages" and B Tubby, P Dunford, E Newell, G Scotchbrook, B Green and F White "maids of honour". The pretty procession, headed by the Queen, embraced all the school-children, and a collection was taken.

1926 - Garden Fete at The Cottage

On Thursday week, a garden fete was held in Ketton at The Cottage, Mr and Mrs C F Burroughes’, residence, in fine weather, and there was a good attendance. Work, jumble and provision stalls were arranged on the lawn, and teas were served. A tennis tournament was won by Mrs R Dean (Stamford) and Miss K Capendale (Ketton), who received half-a-dozen tennis balls and a lady’s handbag as prizes. Dancing followed in the Village Hall. The proceeds, for the Parish Magazine Fund and the Mother’s Union, were about £40.

1927 - Ketton Village Feast

On Feast Saturday, the members of the Juvenile Branch of the Northwick Lodge of Oddfellows were provided with a pleasurable gathering. Under the direction of Mr W Smith, the juveniles marched through the village streets, headed by the Club banner and the Collyweston Silver Band. At the Village Club, upwards of a hundred, including friends of the juveniles, partook of tea, which was served by Mesdames J. Boyall, A. Freeman, Knox. W. Lemons, A. Russell, A. Shelton, G. Thompson, C Walpole, and J Weightman. A presentation of a silver sugar basin and cream jug (bearing an inscription) was made by Mr A. Freeman (vice-president) to Mr D. Cliff, late president of the Juvenile Branch, as a recognition of appreciation of his long services. Then an adjournment took place to the sports field, lent by Mr R Redmile, and here Messrs. A. Freeman, T. Halford, J. Knox, A. Russell, and J. Weightman (secretary), belonging the adult Lodge, supervised a programme of games and other sports. Returning at the close to the Village Club, the juveniles received sweetmeats and buns, and then departed for their homes after giving lusty cheers for those who had assisted in making such an enjoyable holiday.

1927 - Ketton children's outing to Skegness

On Thursday about two hundred of the inhabitants journeyed by motor-omnibuses to Skegness. It was the children's summer outing, which Mr A W Nunn, Schoolmaster, organised, and many parents and friends joined the youngsters, who were favoured with fine weather.

1928 - Ketton Village Feast

While in many villages the feast is an event of the past, at Ketton this year it is apparently gayer than ever. Villagers are celebrating it during the week in the early part of which they were joined by hundreds of visitors. The Collyweston Band gave a concert on Sunday evening in the Hall Close. Attractions in the Pied Bull yard and paddock include a couple of steam roundabouts, swing boats, shooting saloons, stalls, &c.

1929 - Ketton scholars outing to Wicksteed Park

On Saturday, two motor-omnibuses conveyed to Wicksteed Park, Kettering, twenty five scholars with teachers, officers of the Church, and some parents and friends, a party altogether of nearly a hundred, who had a very enjoyable outing.

1930 - Ketton Scouts Entertained

Brigadier-General R St G Gorton last week gave the Ketton Troop of Boy Scouts a tea, which was followed by community singing and amusements.

1930 - Stamford Silver Prize Band at Ketton Hall

On Sunday the Stamford Silver Prize Band gave a concert in the grounds of Ketton Hall, by permission of Captain H Fenwick. Swing boats, stalls, skittles, and other feast attractions have occupied the "Pied Bull" yard during this week.

1930 - Ketton Feast Week

To the editor of the [Grantham] Journal. Sir, that great annual re-union of Rutland's sons and daughters - Ketton Feast Week - commences on Sunday, August 17th next, and a record attendance is anticipated. May I be allowed to express the hope that the LMS Railway Company will grant cheap excursion privileges to Ketton during that week from all stations on their Leicester-Peterborough, Nottingham-Melton, and Rugby-Stamford sections. A special train from Melton on Sunday afternoon, August 17th, calling at intermediate stations, and returning from Ketton about 9:30pm, would also be very acceptable, and help to relieve traffic congestions on the roads. Yours, respectfully, "Prospective visitor".

1930 - Sunday School treat

On Wednesday week, the children attending the Wesleyan Sunday School were provided with a tea and Christmas tree laden with presents. Parents of the scholars also partook of tea. The children had games, and received oranges, nuts, sweetmeats and buns.

1931 - Dance in the Village Club

On New Year's Eve about eighty-five persons attended a dance at the Village Club. Mr J Thorpe was MC, the Black Diamonds Band from Stamford played, and Mrs Berridge and Mrs Tubby served refreshments. At midnight the company joined hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne".

1932 - Whist drive for children's summer outing fund

Mr A W Nunn, Schoolmaster, promoted a whist drive on Friday for the Children's Summer Outing Fund, and the prizes were provided by parents and others. Mr S F Browne was timekeeper. Prize-winners - Messrs C W Yates, H Stafford and S Swann, Mrs Thompson, Mrs A Scotchbrook and Mrs Parker: knockout competition, Mr Swann and Miss Swindon

1932 - Dance in the Village Club

On Friday night a dance in the village club was enjoyed by over one hundred persons. The Club's Big Four Band played, and Mrs Tubby, Mrs Scotchbrook and Mrs Berridge served refreshments.

1933 - Fancy Costume Dance at the Village Club

A large company was attracted by a fancy costume dance at the Village Club. Mr Wally Stafford's Orchestra provided music, and Messrs H Carnazza and A Gowen were MCs. The costumes were judged by Mrs Medwell and Miss Medwell of Tinwell, and the prizes were awarded to Miss Mary Andrew (Spring Cleaning), Mrs Stubley (Ketco Cement), Miss Seymour (Gipsy) and Mrs Wallhead (Modern Girl).

1934 - Feast Commemoration

On Wednesday week the bells of St Mary's Church were rung in the early morning and two celebrations of the Holy Eucharist were attended by over forty communicants. A whist drive in the evening at the Vicarage was participated in by over sixty players, and the prize winners were Miss W Faulkner (as gentlemen), Mr E Skerritt, Miss K Capendale (as gentlemen), Mr G W Hibbins, Mrs R Goodwin, Miss G Laws, Mrs Russell, Mrs H Walpole, Mrs A Berridge and Miss A B Johns (consolation). Mr A W Nunn was time-keeper for this and a miniature drive, the winners of which were Mrs Goodwin and Miss G Thorpe. On Sunday the Parish Church was decorated. A special service was attended by Odd Fellows, members of the Ketton Branch of the British Legion, and members of the village club. The bell-ringers played hymn tunes on the church bells before the services morning and evening. The Stamford Town Band gave concerts on Sunday in the Ketton Hall grounds and at Ketton Grange. A dance on Monday night at the Village Club was numerously attended.

1935 - Whist drive at the village club in aid of St John Ambulance

Mrs Henry Goodyear arranged a whist drive at the Village Club in aid of the New Car Fund of the Stamford St John Ambulance Brigade, and the handsome sum of £22 16s 6d profit included a donation of £10 10s from the Ketton Cement Company. Mr F S Browne was MC and sixty-eight persons played. The prizes were presented by Lady Alice Willoughby to Mrs E Berridge, Mrs Brown, Mrs F A Green, Messrs S B Crowson, Vagg, and H Earl; knock-out drive, Mr and Mrs L Thompson and Miss W Andrew and Mr H Woodward. Prizes in a darts competition were won by Mr A Walpole, Mr Bailey, and Mr J Bates, and a skittle competition by Mr Bates, Mr H Crowson, and Mr W Shakeshaft. Refreshments were given and served by Mrs Berridge, Mrs Scotchbrook and Mrs Stanger. The prizes were also given, in addition to some donations.

1937 - Boxing tournament at Ketton Village Feast

A good fight between Les ("Tiger") Haycox, of Melton, and Bob Halsall, of Ketton, was the feature of a Feast Week boxing tournament at Ketton on Saturday. The bout was full of action from start to finish, both contestants taking and giving swift, two-handed punches to the head and body. The Melton boxer often had his man on the ropes, and got home some damaging punches, Halsall being too busy defending to retaliate much. It was unfortunate for Haycox, who had established a good points lead, to be disqualified for holding in the seventh round. Haycox's Melton supporters were rather displeased with the referee's decision, but "the Tiger" himself admitted from the ring that he deserved his disqualification.


The Geeston Tap and the Aveland Arms were the homes of two of the Ketton quoits beds where a popular game that involved the throwing of iron discs, each weighing around 9lbs, at a "pin" that was 18 yards away set in the 3ft square clay bed. Closest to the pin scored a point; landing on the pin scored two points. In a sense it was a game similar, but a lot more dangerous, than bowls; a number of injuries, and one death, resulted from badly aimed quoits. Ketton players featured in national quoits championship matches and Arthur Knox was All England Champion in 1928, 1929 and 1930. This popular inter-village game was played until the 1930s.


The members of the Ketton Quoit Club brought a very successful season to a close on Saturday last by playing the final match of the season - married v single, the latter winning by 41 points. The members afterwards adjourned to the Aveland Arms to partake of an excellent supper provided by the captain (Mr W Cliff), the remainder of the evening being spent in a convivial manner.


On Saturday, the English Quoits Association held the annual content to decide the championship at Ketton, Rutland, when Mr Arthur Knox, of Ketton, last year’s champion, met in the final Mr W Stocks, who is a representative of B Division of the Metropolitan Police in the quoits competition. He is a pensioned police Inspector of London, aged 62 years, and has made quoits playing a hobby nearly all his life. Mr A Knox, a very much younger man, has played quoits from boyhood and he is a labourer at the Ketton Portland cement Works. Several hundred people assembled to watch the game, which was played on the quoit beds of the Village Club. Mr Knox proved the winner by 61 to 41, and thus retains the proud title of English Quoits Champion. Mr F G Pearce of London, who is secretary to the English Quoits Association, said he had bene asked to present the cup, but would delegate the duty to the president of the Ketton Quoits Club, Mr Barfield, who handed the trophy to Mr Knox. Mr Knox also received the customary donation of £2 10s. The victory was celebrated at the Ketton Club during the evening.


On Wednesday week nearly a hundred persons attended a dinner in the Working Men’s Club, organised to celebrate Mr A Knox’s success in the 18 yards individual quoits championship of Great Britain and the winning by the Ketton Cricket Club of the championship of the Stamford and District Cricket League. Mr R H Close J.P. presided, and toasts and harmony followed the repast. General R St George Gorton presented medals to the members of the cricket team, and said they had conferred a distinction on Ketton. Canon A H Snowden said quoits was an even older game than cricket, and the great triumph of Mr A Knox in winning the championship for the third successive year, and that Ketton should be able to hold up a man who was able to meet all England, was really very fine. The Chairman mentioned that Mr Knox had about forty prizes, medals, &c, for quoit playing.