Education in Ketton
in 1791 Miss Sophia Elizabeth Edwards left money in her will to be used "for poor female children of the parish" but it was not until 1829 that this was actioned and son afterwards a small Dame School was set up. The original Miss Edwards Dame school, established in 1830 at 67 High Street, Ketton, became the headmaster’s residence and is still a private residence today.

Ketton National and Miss Edward's Schools opened on 17th September 1857, after having been completely rebuilt. Pupils paid one penny a week to attend. A service to commemorate the ceremony was held at St Mary's Church, with a sermon preached by the Master of Balliol College, Oxford. 140 school children paraded the streets of the village before the service, preceded by a band of music from Stamford. After the service, the children were plentifully regaled with cake and tea, etc, enlivened with music. The new building is in the early Gothic style of architecture. Mr Hibbins of Ketton built the school. The sum of £650 (~£28,000 in 2005) was subscribed, chiefly by the gentry, landowners and residents of Ketton and the immediate neighbourhood, including a grant of £260 from the Committee of Council of Education and £50 from the Rutland School Society.
The Board of Education reports on Ketton School as follows: - "This school is efficiently organised and controlled by a capable headmaster, who is also personally responsible for a rather difficult class. This particular class is composed of those senior children who are not up to the Central school level and a section of the more advanced juniors. The instruction of such a heterogeneous group is not easy and it is greatly to the teacher's credit that each child received due attention and that the work done compares satisfactorily with that accomplished in many schools under better conditions. Written composition and history are worthy of special mention. The new assistant in charge of Standard II and III has made a promising beginning, and both the other assistants continue to do very satisfactory work". Mr A W Nunn is the Headmaster.
The new Ketton School, opened on 30 June 1969 by the Bishop of Peterborough, was built in a field adjacent to the old National School. The new library built on the site of the old school was faced with stone from the former National School

The old National School building was demolished and the present library opened in 1974. The library is faced with stone from the former National School.