Church Road
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Listed buildings
- Ketton Hall Cottages - Outbuilding, C17, converted into stable flanked by 2 cottages, late C18 or early C19.
- Wall to Ketton Hall (along Church Road) - Wall, C19. Length of rubble walling with stone capping.
- Wall to rear of 4 Church Road - Wall, C18, red brick, crinkle-crankle.
- 9 Church Road, Custom Cottage - House, mid C18. L-plan. Two storeys. Street front 2 window range.
- 13 Church Road (previously Sadaw) - Cottage, early C19. Two storeys, 2 window range.
- 15-17 Church Road - The Railway Inn. C18. Inn. One storey and attic, 2 windows wide. Central door with narrow rectangular fanlight over, flanked by two C19 bay windows.
- 17 + 19 Church Road - Pair of cottages, early C19. Single fronted cottages with doors outward. 2 storeys.
- 21 Church Road, Church House - House, C19. Two storeys and attic. Three window range. Stands in a prominent position at the edge of the churchyard.
- 23 Church Road - Cottage, C19. One storey and attic. Projecting lean-to addition with gabled dormer above.
- 25 Church Street - House, early C19. Two storeys, 2 window range. Central door. Tall sash windows with cills.
- 27 Church Road - The Old Vicarage - Grade II listed house, dates from 1820. This was to replace a previous vicarage on the same site which in turn had replaced Garden Cottage next door as the Vicarage. The property ceased to be a vicarage in 1976.
- St Mary’s Church Grade 1 listed church, C12 origin, aisles added C13, heightened C14, clerestory C15, nave restored 1861 by G G Scott. Of Barnack rubble stone with ashlar dressings, tower and spire, chancel roof of Collyweston stone slates.
- War Memorial - The medieval-style memorial stands next to the south-east corner of the porch of the church, overlooking Church Road and opposite The Priory. Approximately 4.5m tall and built of Clipsham stone, it consists of a carved sculpture of the crucifixion flanked by figures of St Mary and St John, covered by a plain gable. A small cross rises from the gable top. A small shield carved in relief on a bracket below the crucifixion bears symbols of the Passion. The west face of the plinth bears an inscription that reads 1914–1919/ Pray For The Men Of / Ketton Who Gave Their/ Lives In The Great Wars / 1939 – 1945. The names of the 36 men who fell in the First World War are listed on the three other faces of the plinth.
- 29 Church Road - Garden Cottage - House, dated 1629. After the church, Garden Cottage is the oldest building in the village and has a 17th century tithe barn attached. Originally, for many years, it was the Vicarage but was "susceptible to flooding' so the Vicar at the time preferred to live in Stamford. House, dated 1629.
- Bridge over the River Chater - Bridge, C17 origin, restored and dated 1849 RH. Three shallow pointed arches.
- The Priory - House of various mainly C17 and C18 builds. Garden front has earliest range to right, dated 1602 over entrance in gable end, 2-storeys and 2 window range, partly masked by conservatory. Flanking wing has gable with 3-light window dated 1632. To left of original house is C18 range, in 2 parts but both 2 storeys and attics.
- Barn to the Priory - C17. Street front from left to right has low cart opening.
- Dovecote at Water’s Edge - Dovecote, originally serving The Priory. Windows in gables at each end.