
Charity and kindness in Ketton

Transcribed from old newspaper articles about Ketton.

1780 - Mr Edwards attained the age of 21

On Monday last, Mr Gerard Edwards (son of Lady Jane Edwards) attained the age of 21 years, on which occasion open-house was kept at Ketton Hall, and in the evening there was a concert of music, and a brilliant ball in the gardens. Plenty of liquor was also given to the populace; and a sum of money distributed among the poor inhabitants of Ketton.

1793 - Lady Jane Edwards gives flour, bread, ale and coal to the poor of Ketton

Charity - Lady Jane Edwards, the Miss Edwards's, and G. N. Edwards, Esq. have been regaling the poor of Ketton Village History, with flour, bread, two hogsheads of ale, and several caldrons of coals. Lord Harborough has lately given four fat oxen to the poor of Whissendine and Wymondham.

1797 - Lady Jane Edwards gives an ox and bread to the poor of Ketton

Lady Jane Edwards gave to the poor of Ketton, in Rutland, a whole ox on Monday last, and Miss Edwards, bread to the amount of ten guineas.

1799 - Lady Jane Edwards gives beef to the poor of Ketton

Last Tuesday the Right Hon Lady Jane Edwards and Miss Edwards ordered to be distributed between 70 and 80 stone of beef (14 lb to the stone) to upwards of one hundred poor families in the parish of Ketton, near this place.

1809 - Lady Jane Edwards gives beef and potatoes to the poor of Ketton

The annual donation of the Ladies Noel, and of Lady Jane Edwards - a quantity of beef and potatoes to every poor family in their parishes - was distributed on Christmas Day at North Luffenham and Ketton.

1813 - Donations after a property, stock and furniture destroyed by fire in Geeston

Whereas on Monday June 28th, a fire broke out in the house of Thomas Swift at Ketton, and consumed the same, and two adjoining houses, by which the said T Swift and John Copeland were reduced to a state of considerable distress: Thomas Swift having the house and buildings (which were his own property) nearly destroyed, together with part of his furniture and apparel, to the amount of 200l: and John Copeland losing nearly his whole property, consisting of stock in trade, furniture and apparel to the amount of 110l.
The unfortunate sufferers throw themselves upon the liberality of a benevolent public, trusting to be restored in some degree to their former conditions.
We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, are of the opinion that the above-named sums of 200l and 110l are the amount of their loses, as nearly the same can be ascertained.
William Boultbee, Cotton Thompson, Robert Hunt
[£200 in 1813 is the equivalent now of around £7,000. £110 is the equivalent now of around £3,700]
Messrs Bellairs and Son, Messrs Johnson and Eaton, Messrs Edward, Herbert and Edwards, bankers, Stamford, will be kind enough to receive donations.

A list of 142 names followed with the amount each had donated, including (£1 in 1813 would be the equivalent now of around £35):

Right Hon Ladies Noel (£2) Mr Grantham (£2 2s) Mrs Grantham (£2 2s)
Mr Hunt (£2 2s) John Stangar (1s) Mr Stangar (£1)
Mr T Buckworth (£1) John Andrew (2s) Mrs Nesbitt (£5)
Mrs Nesbitt's servants (7s) _ Harrison (1 week's work) (£1 1s) _ Walpole (1 week's work) (£1 1s)
Mr J Buckworth (£1) Mrs Smith's servants (£1s 6d) Mrs Hibbins (5s)
A collection at Duddington after a sermon by the Rev T Mounsey, late curate of Ketton (£6s 11s)
1831 - Gardens for the poor of Ketton

Upwards of 70 plots of ground have been set out as gardens for the poor of Ketton, in Rutland, by Lord Northwick's agent, Mr T H Jackson. This benevolent plan of interesting the poor in their own labour is spreading rapidly, and is in all cases found to be attended with the best effects.

1844 - Celebration of the visit of the Queen and Price Albert to Burghley House

In celebration of the visit of the Queen and Price Albert to Burghley House, a subscription was set on foot at Ketton for the purpose of supplying a treat to the poor of the village. Through the exertions of Messrs Burman and Tyson, a handsome sum was collected. Accordingly 115 old men were treated each to a pint of ale, and 116 old women, and 80 children attending school, had an abundant repast of tea and plum cake. In the evening there was a ball in the village and dancing was kept up with much spirit until six o'clock in the morning.

1859 - Seasonable gift

H Burman, Esq, surgeon of Ketton, on Wednesday distributed to twenty-eight poor widows, five cwt of coals each - delivered at their respective homes.

1863 - Marriage of Prince Albert Edward to Princess Alexandra of Denmark

The loyalty of the inhabitants of Ketton was shown in the most unmistakable manner. The programme comprised a dinner for the working men, tea for the women and children, and competition in rustic sports for prizes; all supplied by the liberality of the gentry, farmers and tradespeople of the village. About 2 o'clock the working men in their holiday attire assembled at Mr G Brocklehurst's barn where a well provided and well prepared dinner was laid out for them, which was thoroughly enjoyed. After the meal, a procession was then formed and conducted to a field near the station, where the rustic sports supplied a fund of amusement, whilst the women and children had tea at the tables vacated by the men. Soon after 7 o clock Mr Fazakerley of Ketton Hall, gave an excellent display of fireworks. This day had been fixed for opening the newly-erected gas works, and two stars, illuminated with gas, were greatly admired by the villagers. A monster bonfire was lighted when the fireworks were over, and a merry dance in the barn above mentioned concluded the day's entertainment.

1865 - Mr Wilford gave coal to the poor of Ketton

Mr Wilford, of Aldgate, Ketton, a few days ago gave to each of the 47 poor families in the hamlet in which he resides 2 cwt. Of coals. The gift, it is needless to say, proved very acceptable, the weather being very severe at the time.

1871 - Distribution of coal

On Monday last Mr T C Molesworth, maltster and brewer of Ketton, made his annual distribution of nearly twenty tons of coal to the poor of the parish: one hundred and seventy needy persons were supplies with from one and a half to four and a half cwt, each, according to number in family.

1885 – Workmen's Trip to Skegness

On Monday last, Messrs Molesworth and Son, of Ketton, gave between forty and fifty of their employees a trip to Skegness, where they were received by one of the firm, who presided over them at a good dinner, provided at the Assembly Rooms. They returned the same evening, after having spent a very pleasant day.

1888 - Ketton Hall

By kind permission of Mr and Mrs Hopwood, the gardens of Ketton Hall will be open to the public form two o'clock pm until six o'clock pm on Monday August 20th, in aid of the Gardeners' Orphan Fund; tickets 6d each at the principal entrance; or from W H Divers, Ketton Hall Gardens, hon. local secretary for Stamford and district.

1889 - Fancy Bazaar

The fancy bazaar which is to be held in the grounds of Ketton Hall on Wednesday and Thursday next, will be opened by G H Finch Esq, MP. Large preparations are being made with regard to the stock-in-trade required for such enterprise, and there are already signs of the undertaking being a successful character. The object is to pay off the deficit on the Church spire, and also for the National School Enlargement Fund.

1889 - The Gardener's Orphan Fund

The Gardener's Orphan Fund is always the subject of a certain due considerateness at Ketton. In aid of this excellent Institution the Ketton Hall Gardens will be opened, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Hopwood, on the afternoon of Bank holiday, access being also given to the hot-houses, which, we need hardly say, contain a choice collection of interesting and valuable plants, and are well worthy of a visit. Tea will be supplied on the lawn.

1891 - Seasonable present

Several seasonable presents have been made to the poor in the village during the present inclement weather. Amongst others, Mr Molesworth and Mr Cayley distributed coal. Miss Hopwood gave a Christmas tree, abounding in presents, to thirty children. The boys in the Church choir were taken to the pantomime at Leicester on Boxing night by the Vicar where "Aladdin" was much appreciated by them. They arrived home safely at half-past twelve.

1893 - Public tea for the National School

A public tea was given on Jan 5th at the Schoolroom in aid of the funds of the National School, by several ladies of the village. Over one hundred and twenty sat down. The Vicar subsequently made a few remarks about the condition of the National School and its need of funds, after which the room was cleared for dancing, which was kept up with spirit till eleven o'clock, a short entertainment separating the first and second parts of the programme. The proceeds realised over £7.

1899 - Successful concert for the National School

A successful concert was held in the Northwick Hall on Thursday evening week, the proceeds being for the Ketton National Schools Building Fund. The majority of the influential residents of the neighbourhood accorded the event their patronage, and the hall was crowded. A capital programme was arranged and most of the items were very warmly applauded, particularly in the second part, where no less than six encores were demanded. The School children sang creditable, and showed evidence of careful training.

1904 - A deserving cause

The house-to-house collection made here for the Stamford and Rutland Infirmary realised £3 10s 1d.

1907 - Ketton Whitebread Charity

Mr T C Molesworth and Mr C Tyler were appointed trustees for the Ketton Whitebread Charity.

1909 - Coal to Ketton widows

Mrs Hubert Eaton, of Ketton Grange, has this week kindly given her customary charity coal to all the necessitous widows in Ketton, Aldgate and Geeston. Mr C Tyler JP has presented 5cwt of coal to the widows of Geeston and some others in Ketton.

1911 - Feast Week

The villagers and visitors are this week commemorating the feast. Mr T H Burroughes, The Cottage, kindly opened his gardens to the public on Sunday, and many availed themselves of the privilege granted to visit them. As Ketton Parish church is having new heating apparatus fixed, the nave could not be used on Sunday, and services were arranged in the grounds of Mr Burroughes, where a congregation gathered in the morning, but rain prevented open-air preaching in the evening, so some attended a service conducted in the chancel.

1913 - Treat for the widows of Ketton

The widows of Ketton, numbering about twenty, were kindly provided with an alfresco tea by Mrs H Eaton, at Ketton Grange, on Saturday afternoon.

1914 - Helping Stamford Infirmary

£3 1s 8d has been forwarded to the Rutland and Stamford Infirmary raised by the house-to-house collection.

1914 - Practical Sympathy with the Belgians

A meeting was held on Thursday evening week, Mr T H Burroughes presiding, when it was agreed to invite some of the Belgian refugees to make their temporary home at Ketton. A committee was appointed, the ladies chosen being Miss M E Molesworth (secretary), Mrs Rolleston, Miss D Thorpe, Mrs Whattoff, Mrs Crichton-Maitland, Mrs C Stanyon, and Miss N Burbidge, who have been busy soliciting aid in the village.

1914 - Helping stricken Belgians

A house has been kindly lent rent free near the Post Office by Mr T C Molesworth, and here the villagers are entertaining some of the stricken Belgians, who speak Flemish and French. The visitors are Monsieur Theophile Keieskens-Verbeeck, his wife, little daughter, and his three sisters from Alost [Aalst].

1917 - Thoughtful kindness

Miss Elwes has presented knitted socks to soldiers when home on leave, a kindness greatly appreciated.

1917 - Volunteers help the soldiers on service

As the result of a house-to-house collection, on Jan 13th, followed by a games tournament a week later, £10 14s was collected by the Volunteers for furnishing presents for the men serving at home and abroad.

1921 - Miss Sybil Eaton and Dr Malcolm Sargent, raising money for the Boy Scouts Fund

Large audiences patronised the concerts given in the music room at Ketton Hall on Thursday week, on behalf of the Boy Scouts Fund, and the takings reached £30. Miss Sybil Eaton, the renowned violinist (who arranged the recitals) and Dr Malcolm Sargeant, the brilliant young organist of Melton Mowbray, contributed to the programme, which afforded great pleasure.

1921 - Helping Poor Russians

A collecting box, placed in the Congregational Church, contained £3 8s 5d for famine-stricken Russians.

1923 - Dickens' "Christmas Carol"

The Congregational Young People's Guild, on Thursday week in the Chapel, rendered the service of song "Dickens' Christmas Carol". A collection, with other donations raised about £1 for the German Famine Fund.

1923 - Request to a Diocesan Home

The late Rev A J Abbey, of Long Buckby, formerly Vicar of Cotterstock, who left estate £39,475, bequeathed £1,500 between St Mary's Diocesan Home at Ketton and two Institutions at Leicester and Kingthorpe.

1923 - Oddfellowship

During the past year the Northwick Lodge of Oddfellows paid in full sick benefits to 51 members £190 14s 8d, and in levies to Stamford District Funeral Fund £67 10s. The capital on Jan 1st was £3790 4s 9d, an increase of £84 12s 7d. Three new members joined, two died and six lapsed leaving 224 (decrease five). The juvenile branch paid out in sickness £18 3s 2d and has funds £133 12s 1d.

1926 - Miners Distress Fund

The Congregational Chapel has raised £3 16s 9d (£1 being a donation from the Church funds, and the rest voluntarily subscribed) for miners' families.

1927 - Charity for sick nursing

On Tuesday, at a meeting of the Parish Council, it was decided to make a donation of £20 from the Whitebread Charity to Ketton Nursing Association

1927 - Returning to the mission field

Miss Lottie Stanyon, daughter of Mr and Mrs C Stanyon, who has been home over a year after six years' missionary labours in Northern India, is now going out to Southern India, and was to leave England yesterday on the steamer "Rawal Pindi" from Tilbury Docks. There was a farewell gathering in the Congregational Chapel on Tuesday.

1934 - Sick and Dividend Club

Mr J Stafford presided at a meeting of the Sick and Dividend Club, hitherto held at the "Aveland Arms" when it was decided, owing to the closure of that Inn, to remove to the Blue Bell Inn. Sickness benefits paid to members during the year were £28 10s 6d; the dividend to 59 members was 16s each. The "Exeter Arms" Club experienced light sickness and the dividend was £1 1s 9d. The Midland Hotel Club members had 10s 9d dividend.

1935 – Children entertained

The children attending the Day and Sunday Schools were provided with a treat on Thursday in the Village Club. Tea was served, provided from School funds. Mr J Billson gave a Christmas tree, which Mrs C and Miss A Fenwick of Ketton Hall, kindly loaded with presents for the juveniles.