Accidents and tragedy in Ketton
Transcribed from old newspaper articles about Ketton.
We hear that an unfortunate accident happened yesterday at Ketton; a waggon drawn by four horses, returning from Collyweston to Ketton, on the first of which rode a little boy, the horses being high spirited ran into the river Welland, and the water being out, occasioned by the late rains, the four horses were drowned, but the boy and driver escaped. The team was the property of Mr Wootton, farmer, of Ketton, who died this week.
On Friday last as Mr Stangar of Ketton, and his mother and daughter, were going in a chaise to Oakham, through the carelessness of the driver, the chaise was overturned at a little distance from Ketton, by which accident Mr Stangar had his shoulder dislocated, and the two ladies were very much bruised.
A very destructive fire happened on Monday last in the hamlet of Geeston, near Ketton, Rutland. It began about one o'clock in the day, in the dwelling-house of __ Swift (farming man to Mr Hunt, of Stamford), and was occasioned by a large fire being made for bucking clothes, which communicated to a foul chimney, and spread to the house thatch. Before the conflagration could be stopped, Swift's cottage and two others, with two barns and a hovel, were entirely destroyed. The tenant of one of the cottages, named Coupland, was at Boughton Green fair at the time of the accident, and as his door was locked, none of his furniture could be saved from the flames, and 36l in bank notes, deposited at the head of a bed, were also consumed. ___ Swift's premises were his own property: of the other houses, one belonged to Mr Thompson, farmer, of Tinwell, the other to Cotton Thompson, Esq. of Ketton
On Saturday last, a labouring man of Ketton named Clayton Wootton, 63 years of age, whilst at work in a sand-pit belonging to Mr Tallis at that place, was unfortunately killed by the caving in of the earth.
On Tuesday last, James Blake, of Ketton, a labouring man in the employ of Mr Wade of that place, whilst blasting a rock, rammed down the gunpowder with an iron chisel; the effect of which imprudent act was, that an explosion instantly took place, and the chisel was discharged into the unfortunate man's face, breaking his upper jaw, and otherwise dreadfully injuring him. It is remarkable that this is the second accident of the kind in that parish within a very short time. A man named Chappel had his eyes blown out about three months ago, from exactly the same sort of imprudence.
On Friday last an inquest was held on the body of Elizabeth Harrison, of Geeston, in the parish of Ketton, Rutland, aged 50, who being attacked by spasms in the stomach, died suddenly at the house of Mrs Barbara King, in whose family she had formerly been a servant, and where she called for the purpose of refreshment on coming to Stamford market. The deceased at her own request was shown to a bedroom, which she had scarcely reached, when she observed to a young woman attending her, "now, Susan, I am going", and immediately expired.
On Friday last an inquest was held at Ketton, before Mr Hall, one of the coroners for Rutland, on the body of Robert Glitherow, labourer, who it appeared had been drinking in the early part of the week, and had neglected his work, which, with the disappointment of not procuring further work, induced him to hang himself to the rafters of his cottage, and when discovered he was quite dead. Verdict insanity.
An inquest also held on Wednesday, by the same coroner, on the body of George Woolley, a labourer at Ketton, who drank four quarts of ale on Monday morning, two quarts of which he took off for a wager in five minutes. He was then placed in a stable, where he remained insensible, and was afterwards found dead. Verdict, died from excessive drinking.
A child three years old named Frances Skellett, at Ketton, near Stamford, was dreadfully burnt on Sunday morning owing to being left alone at home during divine service, and died in consequence early the next morning. Verdict accidental death.
On Friday last, three of the servants of Captain Grantham of Ketton, Rutland, whilst employed to make hay, amused themselves in a boat near that gentleman's house, when the vessel was upset, and one of them was drowned: the others saved their lives with difficulty.
On Saturday evening last, as Richard Sapcote, carpenter, of Ketton, aged 32, was returning from his work, in company with a young person, he made a remark upon the increasing length of the days. The village clock just then struck six, and his companion asked him if he heard it, to which he replied in the affirmative, when he fell down, and immediately expired. It is a rather singular coincidence, that the day of his death was also that of his birth. An inquest has been held upon the body by Mr Hall of Uppingham, and a verdict of "died by the visitation of God" returned. We have to impress upon the minds of our charitably disposed readers, in reference to the above lamentable case, that the deceased has left a widow with two children, and is now far advanced in pregnancy: she is entirely dependent upon the bounty of the charitable public.
On Wednesday morning last, another of those fatal and melancholy accidents, resulting from parental carelessness, which we are so ? called on to record, occurred at Ketton, near Stamford. The wife of a person named Robert Lemons went out with the intention of gleaning, leaving two girls (the elder but four years and seven months old, and the younger only 19 months old) alone in the house. Soon after her departure, the former made up the fire with some straw, in doing which their clothes caught fire, and so dreadfully burnt them, that the younger survived only 4 hours, and her sister expired in the course of the day. An inquest was held upon the bodies of the poor children last night, when a verdict in accordance with the above melancholy facts were returned.
On Sunday last, a dreadful accident happened at Ketton near Stamford. As __ Gooud, the farming man of W Sowerby, Esq, was scaring birds from what which he had sown the previous day, his gun burst and part of the barrel passed through his head, occasioning instant death. He had been married only four months.
On Tuesday last, an inquest was held by Mr John Torkington, coroner for this borough, on the body of William Cox, aged 10 years, who had been employed by Mr Swingler of Ketton, for the last 12 months to drive plough, and also to drive the horses attached to the threshing machine whenever he threshed. They were threshing tares in the farm-yard of Mr Swingler in Ketton on Monday afternoon last, when about half past 4 o'clock, from the carelessness it is supposed of the boy in leaving the platform of the machine and approaching too near the outer wheels of the machine, both his legs became entangled between them, his right thigh was nearly torn off, and there was a compound fracture of the left leg, and a great laceration of the left thigh also. He was conveyed to the infirmary in this borough, where he arrived about 7 o'clock, when it found was found necessary to amputate the right leg immediately: he died however, about 10 o'clock the same evening. Verdict: accidental death, with a deodand of 1s upon the machine. The jury expressed their regret that so young a boy should be allowed to drive the machine, and that there was no box for the driver to sit in, or rail to protect him from leaving the platform.
Seven young hens, belong to about twenty couples, the property of Mr Wilford of Ketton, were found dead about a fortnight ago, and it appears they were poisoned with arsenic. The effect of the deadly drug has since been produced upon several others: one or two more have died, others liner, and some which were well a few days ago are expected to suffer fatal consequences. Suspicion has fallen upon an individual who on the previous Sunday (notwithstanding he was a disciple of John Wesley) made it his business to call Mr Wilford to him, when he stated "he did not wish to have any words with a neighbour but would destroy the fowls unless they were kept at home: and his wife, after being seen to strike one of the fowls and thereby break a thigh-bone, was heard by Miss Wilford and the servant to express a similar threat, accompanied with boisterous language. Mr Jackson, solicitor, of Stamford, who is treasurer of the association to which Mr Wilford belongs, has been very anxious to detect the malicious offender.
An accident occurred yesterday (Thursday) upon the works of the Syston and Peterborough railway now in progress near this village, which shows the necessity of exercising great caution in the dangerous employment of blasting stone. It appears that at about nine o'clock in the morning two of the men engaged in the work, Thomas Crowson and James Dye, had charged a bore with gunpowder and upon lighting the fuses, the explosion took place prematurely, before the men had time to get out of reach. The consequence was that a large piece of rock struck Crowson on the left leg, fracturing both the bones: whilst Dye was hit with considerable force on the loins just between the hips, causing a partial paralysis, which will for some time deprive him of the use of his legs. They were both conveyed to the Stamford and Rutland Infirmary.
Accident whilst blasting another accident from this cause occurred about five o'clock of Wednesday evening last, at the railway works in Geeston, to a labourer named Robert Green, of Ketton. The unfortunately man, with his three brothers, was engaged in blasting, when during the explosion, a large piece of stone dropped on his head, and inflicted a severe injury. He was immediately brought to the Stamford Infirmary where he is receiving every attention from Mr E. W. Woodcock, the house surgeon.
The inhabitants of the village of Geeston, near Stamford, were much excited on Saturday last, by the following melancholy occurrence: about noon on that day, a man respectably dressed, apparently 25 years of age, calling himself by name Skeffington, and saying he was a native of Leicestershire, entered the beer-shop at Geeston, kept by a man named Pateman, and took some refreshment; after this he stated his determination of going to the village of Collyweston, a short distance off, but to save time and trouble of walking round by the road, he would cross the river Welland, which runs close to Geeston. He left the beer-shop for that purpose, and attempted to cross the river, but finding it rather deeper than he expected (having got up to above the knees when only a short way), he returned to the beer-shop, had more drink, and said he wished someone would blow his brains out. Soon after this, he started again, saying he was determined to walk across the river. He was unfortunately not prevented from making the attempt, although it must have been evident both from his manner and expression that he was labouring under some delusion or weakness of intellect. A second time he walked down to the river, over which he made the attempt to cross, but being soon out of his depth, he speedily sunk to rise no more. This was observed by some labouring men at work a short distance from the spot. Attempts were immediately made to rescue him, but in vain. The river was dragged, and we hear that the body of the unfortunately man was discovered on Tuesday afternoon.
Isaac Parkinson, aged 13, was engaged in driving a thrashing machine for Mr Turner of Ketton, he attempted to get off, and in doing so received a severe laceration to the groin. He was taken to Stamford and Rutland Infirmary, where he lies in a precarious state.
On Saturday last, an inquest was held at Ketton (before Charles Hall, Gent., coroner) touching the death of Thomas Culpin, of that town, tailor, aged 28. From the evidence taken before a highly respectable jury, it appeared that the deceased and an opulent farmer named Stangar had on the previous day been drinking together at the Millstone public house, kept by Mr Compton, and that they repaired to the skittle-alley and commenced larking with each other, and ultimately got to sparring, in doing which, it was alleged, Stangar struck the deceased a blow upon the pit of his stomach. This part of the allegation did not, however, appear to be supported by evidence, but it was clear that the excitement created by this sparring match caused the deceased to fall down and instantly expire. The jury, after a patient investigation, returned a verdict "That the deceased Thomas Culpin died in a fit of apoplexy, whilst engaged in a sparring rencontre with John Stangar". The drunken propensities of Mr Stangar are well known, several parties having suffered from them in Stamford and elsewhere; and it is hoped this awful tragedy will have due weight with him for the future. Culpin has left a young widow in the family way.
On Thursday 6th February, the wife of a labourer named Freeman, residing at Ketton, after having placed near the fire to dry a straw-mattress belonging to a cradle, left the house for a short time, and on her return found both her children burnt to ashes. It would seem that the bed first caught fire, and then the poor children, the younger of whom was 15 months old, and the elder three years, and they were the only children the parents had. An inquest has been held on the bodies and a verdict of accidental death returned. [Ann, aged 3 and Emily, aged 15 months]
A fatal accident happened at Ketton on Wednesday evening, in consequence of the heavy flood now prevailing. Charles Jeffreys, aged 18, servant to Mr F Whincup, of Geeston, went to the river to wash a pony and vehicle, and it is supposed he drove too far in, and was washed away by the force of the stream. The pony was recovered alive, but the body of the unfortunate youth was carried down by the river and has not been found. He was the son of John Jeffreys, for many years ostler at the Crown Inn, Stamford.
A coroner's inquest was held at the Millstone Inn, Ketton, on view of the body of a newly-born full grown male child, found dead in a box belonging to Mary Harrison, who lives servant with the Rev John Henry Noyes at Ketton. The jury, after a short consultation, returned a verdict of "wilful murder" and Harrison was committed accordingly.
An inquest was held at the Millstone Inn, Ketton, on the 2nd inst, before William Sheild, Esq., coroner, on the body of Susan Stangar, aged four years. Emma Toon, a little girl aged about nine years, stated that she was desired by the deceased's mother to take care of the deceased when she went out to wash that morning about seven o'clock. She put the poker in the fire to make it burn, and after a short time it fell out on the deceased's pinafore and set fire to it. She took the pinafore off and threw it on a chair, and whilst doing so her other clothes caught fire. The child then ran out of the house and was met by Charles Hart, who extinguished the flames. From the evidence of other witnesses it appeared that the child was much burnt about her body, and died very shortly afterwards. The jury returned a verdict of "accidental death".
A singular accident, which has ended fatally, occurred in the night of Thursday last. A labourer, named John Dunford, of Geeston, had been mowing grass for Mrs Betts of Ketton, and was returning to his residence about ten o'clock pm, carrying the blade of his scythe in front. As he was walking, his foot caught against a stone, and he fell upon the sharp edge of the scythe, which divided the joint of the left knee and cut away a piece of bone. The poor fellow lay upon the ground in a helpless state until one o'clock am, when he was found by some person passing along the road. At three o'clock he was taken to the Stamford Infirmary where it was found that the injuries were of so severe a nature as to render amputation of the leg necessary. The operation was skilfully performed at five o'clock on Friday morning but the sufferer never rallied and he died about noon on Sunday. The deceased was a married man and was about sixty years old.
On Friday last, an inquest was held before W Sheild, Esq, at the Pied Bull, Ketton, on the body of a child, aged 16 days, which had died suddenly. The parents had lost 8 children previously, all of whom had died in the course of a fortnight after birth. A post mortem examination was made by Mr Heward, of Stamford, who gave it as his opinion that the child died from congestion of the brain. The jury returned a verdict of natural death.
A distressing case of suicide has occurred in Ketton, near Stamford. The deceased, who was married to her second husband only on Tuesday last, she having previously left a widow with five children, purchased on the 3rd instant, a three penny packet of Battle's "Vermin Killer" a portion of which she mixed with treacle and then swallowed. Assailed by the cries of her children, it appears she was stung with remorse at the crime she had committed, and with the assistance of some neighbours, attempts were made to expel the poison, a surgeon being sent for in the meantime; but all efforts proved unavailing. In an hour she was a corpse.
On Monday morning an accident, unfortunately attended with fatal results, occurred to a man named Thomas Lane, a labourer in the employ of the company. It appears the deceased was at work with some platelayers near a curve on the line between Stamford and Ketton, when a passenger train approached, the engine-driver of which, on sighting the men, sounded his whistle. Lane and the other men got out of the way, but another train coming up on the opposite metals, the deceased was bewildered and knocked down. The wheels of the engine passed over him, inflicting frightful injuries. He was at once conveyed to the Stamford Infirmary, when it was found one of his hips was crushed, and that a leg and an arm were smashed. He was perfectly sensible, but death put an end to his sufferings in an hour or two after his admission. He leaves a widow and nine children.
On Monday night, about 11 o'clock when many persons were dancing in the booth, which came to Ketton Statute, on the 8th November, a quantity of naphtha was spilt which unfortunately ignited. The wife of the proprietor of the booth had been attending to the lamp, and her clothes having got wet with the spirit, caught fire. Several other women who tried to extinguish the flames were severely burnt: one of them is confined to her bed. The poor woman herself is in great danger. Owing to the rain the canvass of the booth was wet and did not catch fire, or the consequences might have been more dreadful.
An alarming fire broke out on Wednesday morning in a shop occurred by Mr Stanyon, wheelwright. Between six and seven o'clock one of his apprentices entered the shop with a candle, at which time the master was about to sit down to breakfast. A farm boy on his way to work saw the roof on fire and gave an alarm. Fortunately hands were plentiful, as most of the villagers were on their way to work. Many were spoon on the spot, and by dint of great exertion, confined the fire to the workshop. Some cottages distant only a few yards from it were in imminent danger. The thatch was kept wet. The Stamford engine was sent for, and soon arrived, but was not required. The apprentice ran off to his home at Oundle without giving alarm. it is to be hoped he ran away through fright. Mr Stanyon, we understand, is fully insured. Scarcely anything was saved. [The apprentice, William Spencer Ivens, aged 17, was charged with wilfully setting fire to his master's workshop. He was discharged as there was insufficient evidence but should any further evidence come out, he might be again taken into custody]
Ketton. A shocking accident occurred here on Monday last which resulted in the death of a little girl, 4 years of age, daughter of Thomas Andrew jun. The mother of the little girl was out gleaning, and left the child in the case of a person in the village, who had the care of others whose mothers were gleaning. The children were playing in an out-house which contained some straw from some cause or other not known the straw was set on fire and the poor child was burnt to death. The fire is supposed to have originated from a spark from a passing engine.
A serious accident befell Mr Burrows, confectioner, of this village, while returning from a sale at the Rev Pritchard's, South Luffenham. It seems that when about a mile from Ketton, Mr Burrows was met by a gig and two men on horseback. The former called out, and his horse jerked to one side from fright, and the car, which contained five passengers, was upset. Mr Burrows leg was broken in two places, the cart falling sideways upon him. A Mrs Hastings escaped with a few scratches, and Mrs Close and Mrs Johnstone with a few bad bruises. The cart was smashed, but the horse was happily unhurt. Under the care of Mr Ingram, the injured parties are going on favourably.
An inquest was held at the Midland Hotel, Ketton, on Monday last, by William Sheild Esq, coroner, on the body of James Kettle, a poor tailor, with a club foot, 70 years of age, who when returning home on Saturday night, after purchasing a few provisions, stumbled over a low wall in the darkness, and died almost instantly from a broken neck. Mrs Wright, wife of an innkeeper and grocer at Ketton, deposed: deceased came to our house about 8 o'clock on Saturday night to have beer and to buy groceries as was his custom. He drank a pint of ale and left about half past nine, not in the least intoxicated. When he came in he appeared shaken, and told me that he had fallen against the short wall near Mr Burroughes'. On going away he said "I will take good care not to fall again, for I will go further round". William A Lemon, maltsters labourer, deposed that shortly after 7 o'clock on Sunday morning he saw deceased lying in Miss Thompson's field near the wall on the west side of the road and not far from the bridge. He thought he was asleep and tried to awaken him, but left him. Meeting another man, both went to deceased: they found him dead and stiff. His hat, crushed, was under the head, his umbrella was under the left arm, and his stick was a few yards from his right hand. Deceased had a club foot and used to walk with an iron. Witness had not known him to be in drink. PC Johnson, who was called to the spot by the last witnesses, produced the groceries, money &c found upon deceased, and said he believed him to have been a man of good habits. Mr Edward Ingram, surgeon, who had examined the body, said the neck was broken, and that deceased could not have lived more than five minutes after the fall. Under the circumstances he must have gone over the wall "like a shot". A verdict was returned to the effect that deceased was accidentally killed by falling over a wall and the jury made the following presentment: "That the walls at the south end of Ketton bridge and also along the west side of the highway leading from the bridge are of sufficient height, and quite inadequate for the safety of the public using the bridge and highway: and that the attention of the county surveyor or other authority be called to the matter". At the spot where this accident occurred the wall is only 20 inches above the level of the road: the drop into the field on the other side of the masonry is 4 1/2 feet. The approaches of the bridge are extremely dangerous and the coroner, Mr Ingram, and several of the jury have witnessed narrow escapes either to vehicles or pedestrians. A broken neck often effects an improvement in such matters.
The accident which happened at Ketton Hall on 3rd May, to Mr G Walters, the foreman of the building works going on there, terminated fatally on Saturday. It will be recollected that a stone 10ft by 4ft, which was being raised on end, fell on him and frightfully lacerated the right foot and fractured one of the bones. He was conveyed to Stamford Infirmary where every attention was paid to him. The next morning, however, he insisted on being removed to his home in Broad Street, Stamford, in spite of the warnings of the doctors; but he continued to receive the most careful medical attention. So serious, however, was the injury that to save the sufferer's life, amputation of the limb was considered necessary. This he declined to undergo, and as was feared, mortification ensued.
Fatal accident an accident attended with a fatal result happened on Tuesday morning at the crossing on the Midland line, close to Ketton station. It appears that a young lad named Love, aged 14, in the service of Mr Chapman, farmer, Luffenham, was in charge of a horse and cart coming from Geeston. On arriving at the Ketton station crossing, the horse was pulled up to await the passing train, which leaves Stamford at 7.20 and which does not stop at Ketton. On the approach of the train, the animal became frightened and ran at the gates, which gave way. The horse and cart passed onto the line, and the engine coming up at the time, ran into them. The horse (worth between £70 and £80) was killed on the spot; the cart was broken up; and the poor lad thrown out onto the line, and run over by the whole train. The body was frightfully mutilated. An inquest was subsequently held and a verdict in accordance with the above facts returned. No blame is attributed to the railway officials.
An inquest was held at the Northwick Arms, Ketton, on Saturday, before W. T. Sheild, deputy-coroner, touching the death of Robert Cave, who committed suicide by hanging the day before. Alice Cave, widow of deceased, deposed : My husband was 51 years of age, and was groom to Mrs Harrisson, of the Grange, in whose employ he had been about 20 years. He had not been in good health lately, and at times had been in a very desponding state since he fell down the loft steps 12 months ago. About 12 o'clock yesterday his mistress wanted him, and on inquiry I was told he had gone into the hayloft near the stables. I went to see for him, and finding the door locked on the inside I wrenched it open. I saw deceased hanging from a beam. I screamed, and my son Robert rushed past me and cut deceased down. I think the fall some time ago caused severe shock to the system. I have no reason to suspect that he had lost any money. I have at different times thought from the desponding state deceased was sometimes in that it was possible be might attempt to commit suicide. He appeared to be pretty well at breakfast time yesterday ; in fact, I thought him a little more cheerful than usual. He always had an idea that he should not live to see his family grown up. Robert Cave, son of deceased, said he saw his father go up the steps to the loft. About half-an-hour afterwards be heard his mother scream, and rushing up the steps he saw the deceased hanging, and cut him down. Dr. Ingram came and pronounced him quite dead. John Sheild, footman to Mrs Harrisson, last saw deceased about a quarter-past eleven on Friday morning. He seemed low, and witness did not think he would have spoken if he had not first spoken to him. He was generally chatty, but on Thursday evening he scarcely spoke, and did not appear to be in a proper state of mind. PC Wm. Johnson having given evidence the jury returned a verdict of temporary insanity. Deceased, who was known in the neighbourhood as a steady man and a smart coachman, has left a widow and eight or nine children. The Coroner gave half a sovereign and the jury their fees to the widow.
On Monday last, about four o'clock in the afternoon, a disastrous fire broke out in a stack of barley straw, on the farm premises of T C Molesworth and Son, about a mile distant from Ketton. The flames quickly spread to three other stacks of straw and a stack of hay and clover, and thence to the farm buildings. A barn, stables, and beast hovels surrounding the crew yard were speedily in flames, cutting off the water simply from the pump on the premises, the lead pump being quickly melted down. Fortunately a water-cart full of water was close by, and being applied by a few intrepid persons to the side plates and lintels of the largest barn and other points where the fire had ignited, these were saved from destruction, as was a building at the end thereof, although a barn and stabling adjoining the before-mentioned barn were in flames at the time. A valuable herd of twenty-two beasts and thirty-five pigs were rescued promptly by Mr Molesworth, who, fortunately, was on the spot at the outbreak of the fire. Assistance having arrived, the principal implements and corn in sacks were removed. The buildings destroyed are the property of Lord Northwick, and were insured. Seventy acres of straw and about seven tons of hay and clover, some implements, and effects were consumed, but were covered by insurance. The fire is supposed to have originated from a spark from cultivating engine at work in an adjoining field.
An inquest was held at the Railway Inn Ketton on Wednesday before W T Sheild Esq, coroner, on the body of Frances Wright, who met her death by falling down the stairs leading to her room in the Almshouses belonging to the Rectory. After heading the evidence the jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death" and appended the resolution: "That the jury deplore the recent accident by which deceased met with her death, and desire to draw the attention of Mr Noyes to the state of the staircase down which deceased fell, as being very dark, and in their opinion a dangerous structure for old and infirm people. At the same time, the jury feel sure that it is unnecessary on their part to do more than call the attention to Mr Noyes to the matter.
Fatal railway accident at Ketton an inquest was held at Ketton, on Friday, on the body of Henry J T Whincup, a wine merchant of that place, who met his death under sad circumstances. Deceased travelled in the train from Peterborough, on the Midland Railway, on Wednesday evening, and on reaching Ketton opened the carriage door, and got out before the train had stopped. He caught hold of the door, which swung round with him, and he was thrown between the carriage and the platform, receiving fatal injuries. The jury returned a verdict of "accidental death".
Samuel Dunford, aged 22, was killed at Ketton pits by a fall of several tons of clay while working with four others. On being extricated by his brother, he was found to be dead, his skull being fractured and the brains protruding. The other workmen had a narrow escape. He was a steady man, the night before he attended a meeting of the Salvation Army at North Luffenham. He was unmarried.
On Saturday, a lad employed at Mr Stanger's, Ketton, put his hand into a chaff-cutting machine, and sustained severe lacerations of the flesh, besides injuries to the bones of his hand.
An inquest was held at the Northwick Arms Inn, Ketton, on Tuesday evening, by the District Coroner, V G Stapleton Esq, on the body of a male child found in a closet by a labourer named Laxton Boyall the previous evening. The jury consisted of Messrs Robert George Nutt (foreman), William Thomas Nutt, William Lawson, Alfred Brown, David Lacey, Robert Henry Andrews, Samuel J Burbidge, F James Burbidge, John Oxborough, Rowland Redmile, John Stanyon and John Arthur Bardwell. The jury having viewed the body, Laxton Boyall, farm labourer Ketton, said on the previous evening he was cleaning out the vault attached to the close which was used by four families his sons , Joseph Boyall, Mrs Davison's, Miss Percival and his own when he found a parcel, the covering of which looked like old sacking or harding, and it was bound with string. He took it out, and, on opening it, saw it was the body of a child, and he at once communicated with the police. The vault, which was three and a half feet deep, was cleaned on last April. Dr C Hubbard, of Ketton, deposed to make a post-mortem examination of the body that day. It was a full time, new-born male child, and was in an advanced state of decomposition. It had probably been dead about a fortnight. There were no marks of injury about the body, and nothing in the organs to account for death, and he was of opinion that it was still-born. PC Ofield stated that he was called to Boyalls house about eleven oclock the previous night, and was shown the body, which was then lying on the garden. The Coroner said that was all the evidence, and after the doctors statement, the jury would not have much difficulty in returning a verdict. It was not for them to say how the child got there, but to find out the cause of death. It was very clear in the evidence that the child was stillborn, as there was no trace of injury, and nothing unnatural about the orgs. It was, therefore, simply a question of facts, and not of law. At the direction of the Coroner, the jury returned a verdict of "death from natural causes".
On Wednesday, a young man named Richard Holborn, employed by the Midland Railway Co as a bricklayers labourer, and living with his widowed mother in Geeston, was knocked down in Stamford tunnel by a passing train, and received injuries to his head. He was taken to the Stamford Infirmary, where he is going on favourably.
An inquest was held at the Stamford Infirmary on Monday evening, respecting the death of John Thomas Walpole, labourer, fifty-seven, which occurred through an accident at the Ketton Quarry. Deceased was packing clay, when there was a sudden fall, and he received injuries to his arm. Gangrene set it and he died. The jury returned a verdict of "accidental death".
Mr V G Stapleton held an inquest at the Northwick Arms on Saturday evening on the body of Albert Edward Dawson, aged 3 years and 8 months, who was drowned in the River Chater that day. It appears that the poor little fellow left home about 10:30am and went in the Bull paddock to his brother, William Henry Dawson, who was fishing from the bank of the Chater, where the water is from ten to twelve feet deep. His father, Herbert Dawson, carpenter, and his mother had cautioned him not to go in the Bull paddock, but he apparently took no heed of the warning. When his brother saw him there he told him to go back, but deceased picked up a stick and commenced striking the water, and while doing this he fell head over heels into the river. Willie Dawson, who is only seven years of age, ran home and told his mother and father, and a little girl called the attention of Walter Tubby, coachman, to the spot. The latter went to the river side but could only see bubbles rising. In trying to reach the boy, he fell in, and being unable to swim, had to be helped out. The body was recovered after it had been in the water from fifteen to twenty minutes. Dr Clabburn was summoned and in the meantime every effort was made to restore animation, but without avail. Evidence was given at the inquest by the father and mother, the brother, Walter Tubby and Dr Clabburn, and a verdict of "accidentally drowned" was returned.
An outbreak of fire occurred on Saturday night on the premises or Mr J F Burbidge, butcher, of this village. A messenger was despatched on a bicycle for the Stamford Fire Brigade, who received the call at 8.55, and were quickly on the scene, under the command of Captain Bacon. A haystack of about 15 tons and a large straw stack were then well ablaze. Prior to their arrival, the flames had been prevented from spreading to an adjoining building by the villagers, who poured buckets of water on to the blazing material. A number of horses, cows and calves inside the building were turned out, and several pounds worth of mangels heaped up close to the stacks were placed out of harm's way. But for the prompt action of the villagers, the damage occasioned must have been a great deal more serious. The dozen firemen on the scene were speedily pouring water on to the property, this being supplied from a pond close to. This, however, was pumped dry in a couple of hours, which necessitated a length of 1,200 feet of hose being laid to Mr Redmile's field by the side of the river, from which a plentiful force could be obtained. With this, the flames were subdued, and after pulling the stacks to pieces and well soaking the lighted material, the Brigade were able to return home at 8.30 on the Sunday morning. The property is insured, the damage amounting to about £100. The fire is supposed to have been caused by some fireworks falling on or near the stacks.
On Monday, Mr T C Molesworth JP was proceeding to Oakham to attend the Magisterial Court, and while crossing a field his horse stumbled against something, causing its rider to be thrown, sustaining a broken collar-bone. Mr Molesworth returned home, and his injury was attended to by Dr Clabburn.
Near the hour of midnight on Saturday a very distressing accident occurred between Stamford and Tinwell which resulted in the death of a cyclist and injury to a pedestrian. Mr George Arthur Scotney, saddler and harness maker of Ketton, left his home about eight o'clock on Saturday evening in order to visit Stamford, informing his wife on his departure that he should obtain a bicycle in the village if possible, and, having secured a machine, he proceeded to the town. He started on his homeward journey shortly after eleven and it appears that he experienced some difficulty with his lamp, for another cyclist from Ketton who was journeying home overtook him some little distance outside Stamford, when he was stopping on the road and endeavouring to light it. This young man, named Andrews, dismounted his machine to render assistant to Mr Scotney, but unfortunately, neither were successful in making the lamp burn, and, after walking together to the summit of the hill, Mr Andrews, at the request of Mr Scotney, re-mounted his bicycle and continued his journey home. The night was dark, and, although Mr Scotney had told the cyclist who had just gone ahead of him that he intended walking, it is only too apparent that, instead of doing so, he mounted his lightless bicycle and commenced the descent of the hill. At this point, lamentable consequences have to be related the death of the cyclist and the injury of a pedestrian. About midway into the declivity of the highway, Mr Scotney collided with considerable force with a man walking, in company with a female , down the hill in the direction of Tinwell. The result of the unfortunate impact was that the man was knocked down and the machine and cyclist went over him. Mr Scotney being pitched on his head and receiving mortal injury, dying on the scene of the accident before medical aid could be obtained from Stamford. The lifeless body was removed to the School Room at Tinwell to await the inquest. Reports were circulated in the district on Sunday that the man who was knocked down by the deceased had sustained serious injuries, but upon investigation of the rumours, we found them to be exaggerated. The late Mr G A Scotney was a son of Mr Charles Scotney of the Nelson Inn, Stamford. He leaves a widow and six children (four boys and two girls) the eldest of whom is only twelve years and the youngest an infant aged twelve months. The bereaved wife, expecting her husband home, came downstairs during the night, but, as he did not arrive, she eventually concluded that he had decided to stay the night with relatives at Stamford: as the hours of Sunday morning were passing, however, without his re-appearance, misgivings arose that something must be wrong, but it was not until a quarter to eleven o'clock that the sad news was conveyed to her. Even the resident police-constable at Ketton had no tidings of the fatality until this hour, and the neglect in this respect has been much commented on.
A fatal cycle accident happened in the village of Tinwell on Saturday night. A party of young men from Ketton and Luffenham were returning from Stamford, where they had been taking part in a quoit tournament, and when at the foot of Tinwell hill one of their number, William Henry Yates, foreman at Luffenham Golf Links, ran into a man named Smith of Stamford. The former was thrown violently over the handle bars of his machine, and sustained dreadful injuries. He was taken at once to Stamford Infirmary where he died early on Sunday morning. Smith escaped with very little injury. It was dark and raining heavily at the time. John Thorpe, farm labourer, Ketton, said he was cycling home from Stamford on Saturday night about 11:15 in company with the deceased, and at the top of the hill leading into Tinwell, deceased got about forty yards in front. Witness soon heard a thud, and half-way down the hill came up with deceased and a man named Smith, both lying on the ground, with deceased's cycle between them. Deceased was unconscious. They had their lamps lighted. The jury said that the deceased would have been alive now if he (Smith) had been walking on the path. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death. At his funeral, the sad procession included members of the Ketton Brass band, the Quoit Club, Football Club, Rifle Club (to all of which he belonged) and fellow employees at Luffenham Golf Links.
While several ladies were making a fire at a picnic in Ketton pits on Monday, the dry grass got ignited and the Stamford Fire Brigade was telephoned for. The fireman mastered the outbreak with difficulty.
While out walking, John Cunnington, landlord of the Blue Bell Inn was out walking when he sought shelter from a rain storm in the Ketton quarries. A fall of stone occurred and he was completely buried. Fortunately he was accompanied by a Pomeranian dog, which by its persistent barking attracted the attention of Ashley Digby Potter J.P. who happened to be in the vicinity. Hearing cries beneath a heap of stones, he promptly sought aid, and farm men working in the neighbourhood shifted the stones and the buried man was extricated from his perilous position in a semi-conscious condition. When knocked down, Mr Cunnington, who is nearly 70 years old, received a nasty cut on his head, which bled considerably, and Dr Wilson stitched up the wound. He was also badly bruised.
Mr J Bradshaw, whilst loading straw on to a cart on Friday, was knocked down and run over, and he had to be conveyed home, where Dr G P Wilson treated him for chest injuries.
Mr C Stanyon, who is a septuagenarian, was knocked off his bicycle while in Scotgate, Stamford, last week, and injured. He was going to visit his sister, Miss Stanyon, who is a patient in Stamford Infirmary, when at some cross-roads he was involved in a collision with a saloon motor-car, driven by Mr Eric Brownlow of Melton Mowbray. He was conveyed in the St John Ambulance to the Infirmary where it was found he had sustained a cut on the head and minor abrasions. The car ran into the wall of a barber's shop and was damaged.
James Orford W Wood, butcher, South Luffenham, was summoned for unlawfully driving a car without due care and attention; failing to stop after an accident had occurred; and failing to report an accident, at Ketton on November 28th last. Arthur Burrows, aged 16, of Ketton, butchers assistant, said on the evening of November 28th he was cycling from Stamford to Ketton. He started the journey alone, until he arrived at the Ketco Bridge, a few minutes before five o'clock where he caught up with Mr Walpole, of Ketton, and they both rode on together for some time. Both of them had lights on their bicycled, front and fear, and were riding fairly close together. Mr Walpole was nearest the kerb, about three of four feet from the edge. There would have been about a foot between them. When between the bridge and Ketco Avenue he heard something coming behind him: he glanced round and saw it was a car; it seemed to be swerving about the road and travelling at a speed he estimated at from 35 to 40 mph. The car crashed into him and he was knocked unconscious, and taken to Stamford Infirmary where he remained for four weeks and a day. His left leg was broken and his right shoulder was injured and his body was very badly bruised.
Benjamin Redmile, aged 11 years, fell off a flat loaded with hay which his father, Mr R Redmile, was carting near Tixover on Thursday week, and his left arm was fractured. He was conveyed to Stamford Infirmary.
Couple wake to find their bed in flames. Mrs Norman Woods, of Hall's Close, Ketton, Rutland, lies in Stamford infirmary suffering from extensive burns, sustained when the bed in which she and her husband were sleeping caught fire. She and her husband woke about 4.30am to find the bedding and bedclothes and a chair nearby, on which a candle had been standing, in flames. Mr Woods extinguished the flames and sent for medical help. He too, sustained burns.
The Pied Bull Inn, Ketton, Rutland, was destroyed by fire yesterday, after an earlier outbreak had been subdued. In the morning a chimney was found to be on fire, but this was extinguished by local help. Later in the day, however, there was a recurrence of the fire, and the thatched roof became ignited. Stamford Fire Brigade were summoned, but, despite a good supply of water from the River Welland, it was impossible to save the place. A considerable quantity of furniture was burned, but some was saved by villagers rushing in and carrying it into the street. The landlord is Mr R Hough.